Re: [PATCH v1 10/15] io_uring/zcrx: add io_zcrx_area

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On Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 3:16 PM David Wei <dw@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: David Wei <davidhwei@xxxxxxxx>
> Add io_zcrx_area that represents a region of userspace memory that is
> used for zero copy. During ifq registration, userspace passes in the
> uaddr and len of userspace memory, which is then pinned by the kernel.
> Each net_iov is mapped to one of these pages.
> The freelist is a spinlock protected list that keeps track of all the
> net_iovs/pages that aren't used.
> For now, there is only one area per ifq and area registration happens
> implicitly as part of ifq registration. There is no API for
> adding/removing areas yet. The struct for area registration is there for
> future extensibility once we support multiple areas and TCP devmem.
> Signed-off-by: Pavel Begunkov <asml.silence@xxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: David Wei <dw@xxxxxxxxxxx>

This patch, and the later patch to add the io_uring memory provider
are what I was referring to in the other thread as changes I would
like to reuse for a socket extension for this.

In my mind it would be nice to decouple the memory being bound to the
page_pool from io_uring, so I can bind a malloced/pinned block of
memory to the rx queue and use it with regular sockets. Seems a lot of
this patch and the provider can be reused. The biggest issue AFAICT I
see is that there are io_uring specific calls to set up the region
like io_buffer_validate/io_pin_pages, but these in turn seem to call
generic mm helpers and from a quick look I don't see much iouring

Seems fine to leave this to a future extension.


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