Hello, I'm trying to learn the basics of io_uring. I have this code `hello_uring.cpp': // clang-13 -O0 -glldb -fsanitize=address -fno-exceptions -Wall -Werror -luring hello_uring.cpp -o build/hello_uring.exec #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include <liburing.h> #define error_check(v) if ((u_int64_t)v == -1) {perror(#v); assert((u_int64_t)v != -1);} static int const queue_depth = 4; static int const buf_size = 1<<10; char buffers[queue_depth][buf_size]; int main () { int r; { // setup test auto f = fopen("build/testfile2", "w"); for (unsigned long i = 0; i< 1024; i++) { fwrite(&i, sizeof i, 1, f); } fclose(f); } auto file_fd = open("build/testfile2", O_RDONLY); io_uring ring; r = io_uring_queue_init(queue_depth, &ring, 0); error_check(r); { struct iovec vecs[queue_depth]; for (int veci = 0; veci < queue_depth; veci++) { auto sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&ring); assert(sqe); sqe->user_data = veci; printf("submit: %d\n", veci); vecs[veci] = { .iov_base = buffers[veci], .iov_len = buf_size}; io_uring_prep_readv(sqe, file_fd, &vecs[veci], 1, veci * buf_size); } r = io_uring_submit(&ring); error_check(r); assert(r == queue_depth); } for (int done_count = 0; done_count < queue_depth; done_count++) { struct io_uring_cqe *cqe; r = io_uring_wait_cqe(&ring, &cqe); error_check(r); printf("got_completion: %lld, %d, %d\n", cqe->user_data, cqe->res, cqe->flags); io_uring_cqe_seen(&ring, cqe); } { unsigned long next_value = 0; for (int buf_i = 0; buf_i < queue_depth; buf_i++) { for (auto buf_values = (unsigned long *)buffers[buf_i]; (char*)buf_values < buffers[buf_i] + buf_size; buf_values++) { assert(*buf_values == next_value++); } } assert(next_value == (1024/8) * 4); } } On execution, I get all zeros for user_data on the `got_completion' lines... I was expecting those to be 0, 1, 2, 3.... What am I missing here? Thanks :) --Dave