[PATCH] intel-gpu-tools: utility to build cairo dependent tests enables to build tests which have cairo and glib dependency. Added build_igt_cairo_tests.py under intel_gpu_tools/scripts. This script downloads cairo, pixman and glib for android modifies cairo and glib make files to enable the build in android Generates "Android.mk" which builds cairo and glib libraries and tests under intel_gpu_tools/tests which have cairo dependency . Generate stubs for cairo functions for which no implementation available. Enables to build kms_render.c, testdisplay.c, kms_setmode.c, gem_render_copy.c and kms_flip.c Signed-off-by: Ds, Sreedhara <sreedhara.ds@xxxxxxxxx>

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From: "Ds, Sreedhara" <sreedhara.ds@xxxxxxxxx>

	new file:   scripts/build_igt_cairo_tests.py
 scripts/build_igt_cairo_tests.py |  362 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 362 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 scripts/build_igt_cairo_tests.py

diff --git a/scripts/build_igt_cairo_tests.py b/scripts/build_igt_cairo_tests.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb506fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/build_igt_cairo_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This python script helps to build tests in intel gpu tools which have cairo and glib
+# dependency. This script downloads cairo, pixman and glib for android
+# Generates android make file to build cairo and tests which have cairo dependency
+# modifies cairo and glib make files to enable the build
+# This script must be run under inetl_gpu_tools/scripts directory
+# Creates new directory "igt_kms_tests" under intel_gpu_tools and puts all required
+# software here. Generates environment file "build_igt.sh" to include Android
+# drm and pci-include paths. This file may need modification depending on drm and
+# pci-include paths in android source
+# Generates "Android.mk" which can build cairo and glib libraries and all tests under
+# intel_gpu_tools/tests which have cairo dependency
+# Generate stubs for cairo functions for which no implementation available
+# Generates stubs for _pixman_implementation_create_sse2,
+# cairo_image_surface_create_from_png, cairo_surface_write_to_png,
+# __android_log_print, testdisplay_setup_hotplug, and testdisplay_cleanup_hotplug
+# These functions are either not supported, not used and not required in android
+# To build, follow the instructions shown after running this script under
+# intel_gpu_tools/scripts
+import sys
+import os
+import string
+CAIRO_REPO = 'git clone --recursive https://github.com/anoek/android-cairo.git'
+makefile1 = """ LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+include $(LOCAL_PATH)/jni/Android.mk
+make1="""LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+make2 = """
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES +=                                      \\
+       $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/cairo-extra                         \\
+       $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/pixman/pixman                       \\
+       $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/pixman-extra                       \\
+LIBCAIRO_CFLAGS:=                                                   \\
+    -DPACKAGE_VERSION="\"android-cairo\""                           \\
+    -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT="\"http://github.com/anoek/android-cairo\""; \\
+    -DCAIRO_NO_MUTEX=1                                              \\
+    -DHAVE_STDINT_H                                                 \\
+    -DHAVE_UINT64_T                                                 \\
+LIBPIXMAN_CFLAGS:= 						    \\
+    -D_USE_MATH_DEFINES 					    \\
+    -DPIXMAN_NO_TLS 						    \\
+    -DPACKAGE="android-cairo" 					    \\
+LOCAL_MODULE    := libcairo-pixman
+LOCAL_CFLAGS    := \\
+    -O2 $(LIBCAIRO_CFLAGS) \\
+    -Iandroid-cairo/jni/pixman/pixman -Iandroid-cairo/jni/cairo/src \\
+    -Iandroid-cairo/jni/cairo-extra -Iandroid-cairo/jni/pixman-extra \\
+    -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-attributes \\
+    -include "pixman-elf-fix.h"
+    -include "limits.h"
+env1 = """export TOP=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP
+export BUILD_STATIC=true
+export IGT_LIB_CFLAGS="-I$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/PRIVATE/libpciaccess/include \\
+                        -I$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/PRIVATE/drm \\
+                        -I$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/PRIVATE/drm/intel \\
+                        -I$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/PRIVATE/drm/include \\
+                        -I$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/PRIVATE/drm/include/drm \\
+                        -DHAVE_MMAP64"
+cario_glib_includes = """LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/cairo/src \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/cairo-extra \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/pixman/pixman \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/android-cairo/jni/pixman-extra \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/glib \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/glib/android \\
+                $(LOCAL_PATH)/glib/glib
+# Following files are not required in building cairo library
+cairo_file_filter = [ 'xcb', 'cogl', 'directfb', 'egl', 'cairo-gl', 'ft-font',
+'cairo-image-mask-compositor', 'cairo-os2-surface', 'cairo-pdf', 'cairo-png',
+'cairo-ps-surface', 'cairo-quartz', 'cairo-script-surface',
+'cairo-svg-surface', 'cairo-vg-surface', 'cairo-wgl', 'cairo-xlib',
+'cairo-xml', 'check-',
+# Many files exists under pixman. Only following files are required in building pixman
+pixman_files1 = ['pixman-access.c', 'pixman-access-accessors.c',
+'pixman-gradient-walker.c', 'pixman-region16.c', 'pixman-region32.c',
+'pixman-image.c', 'pixman-implementation.c', 'pixman-general.c', 'pixman.c',
+'pixman-fast-path.c', 'pixman-solid-fill.c', 'pixman-conical-gradient.c',
+'pixman-linear-gradient.c', 'pixman-radial-gradient.c', 'pixman-bits-image.c',
+'pixman-utils.c', 'pixman-edge.c', 'pixman-edge-accessors.c', 'pixman-trap.c',
+'pixman-timer.c', 'pixman-matrix.c', 'pixman-noop.c', 'pixman-cpu.c',
+#Files under pixman-extra
+pixman_files2 = ['pixman-combine32.c', 'pixman-combine64.c',]
+#Downlaods cairo and glib for android
+def download_cairo_glib():
+	print 'Downloading cairo ....'
+	os.system('git clone --recursive https://github.com/anoek/android-cairo.git')
+	print 'Downloading glib ....'
+	os.system('git clone https://github.com/ieei/glib.git')
+#Checks is files is under filter list or not
+#Entry in cairo_file_filter is not included in building cairo library
+def is_filtered(file):
+	for filter in cairo_file_filter:
+		if(string.find(file, filter) >= 0): return True
+	return False
+#Default glib make is for ARM. Edit the make file to suite our needs
+#Adds defines for G_BIT_LOCK_FORCE_FUTEX_EMULATION to overcome compilatiuon error
+#Adds compiler flag no-format-security to overcome compilatiuon error
+def edit_glib_make():
+	if(os.path.exists('glib/glib/Android.mk_ORG')):
+		return
+	os.system('cp glib/glib/Android.mk glib/glib/Android.mk_ORG')
+	f = open('glib/glib/Android.mk')
+	lines = f.readlines()
+	f.close()
+	f = open('glib/glib/Android.mk', 'w')
+	for line in lines:
+		if(string.find(line, '-DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED') >= 0):
+			f.write('\t' + '-DG_BIT_LOCK_FORCE_FUTEX_EMULATION' + '\t\\\n')
+			f.write('\t' + '-Wno-format-security' + '\t\\\n')
+		f.write(line)
+#Add missing header <pthread.h> in kms_flip.c
+def edit_igt_kms_flip(pardir):
+	sfile = pardir + os.sep + 'tests' + os.sep + 'kms_flip.c'
+	if(os.path.exists(sfile + '_ORG')):
+		return
+	os.system('cp ' + sfile + ' ' + sfile + '_ORG')
+	f = open(sfile)
+	lines = f.readlines()
+	f.close()
+	f = open(sfile, 'w')
+	for line in lines:
+		if(string.find(line, '<linux/kd.h>') >= 0):
+			f.write('#include <pthread.h>' + '\n')
+		f.write(line)
+#Edit make file for building libintel_gpu-tools (intel_gpu_tools/lib/Andrid.nk)
+#Adds environ variable IGT_LIB_CFLAGS which is defined in igtbuild.sh
+def edit_igt_lib_make(pardir):
+	mfile = pardir + os.sep + 'lib' + os.sep + 'Android.mk'
+	if(os.path.exists( mfile + '_ORG')):
+		return
+	if(not os.path.exists(mfile)):
+		print 'No "' + mfile + '" found'
+	os.system('cp ' + mfile + ' ' + mfile + '_ORG')
+	f = open(mfile)
+	lines = f.readlines()
+	f.close()
+	f = open(mfile, 'w')
+	for line in lines:
+		if(string.find(line, 'LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DANDROID') >= 0):
+			f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(IGT_LIB_CFLAGS)' + '\n')
+		f.write(line)
+#Create "igtbuild.sh" which has include paths under android source
+#User need to modify this according to andoird source tree
+def gen_environ_file(pdir):
+	f = open(pdir + os.sep +  'igtbuild.sh', 'w')
+	f.write(env1)
+	f.close()
+#Creates make file (intel_gpu_tools/igt_cairo_tests/Android.mk) to build cairo,
+# intel gpu tools library and test display.
+def gen_make(pardir, f):
+	android_cairo_dir = pardir + os.sep + 'android-cairo'
+	cairo_files = os.listdir(android_cairo_dir + os.sep + 'jni/cairo/src')
+	cairo_files.sort()
+	f.write('LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)' + '\n')
+	f.write('INTEL_GPU_TOOLS := ' + '..' + '\n')
+	f.write('include $(CLEAR_VARS)' + '\n')
+	f.write('#-----------------------------------------' + '\n')
+	f.write('LIBCAIRO_SRC = \\' + '\n')
+	for file in cairo_files:
+		if(os.path.splitext(file)[1] != '.c'): continue
+		if(is_filtered(file)): continue
+		#f.write('\tcairo/src' + os.sep + file + ' \\' + '\n')
+		f.write('\tandroid-cairo/jni/cairo/src' + os.sep + file + ' \\' + '\n')
+	for file in pixman_files1:
+		f.write('\tandroid-cairo/jni/pixman/pixman' + os.sep + file + ' \\' + '\n')
+	for file in pixman_files2:
+		f.write('\tandroid-cairo/jni/pixman-extra' + os.sep + file + ' \\' + '\n')
+	f.write('\n')
+	f.write(make2)
+	f.write('#----------------------------------------------------------------\n')
+	gen_tests(igt_cairo_tests_dir, f)
+def gen_includes(pardir, f):
+        f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I' + pardir + '/android-cairo/jni/cairo/src' + '\n')
+        f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I' + pardir + '/android-cairo/jni/cairo-extra' + '\n')
+        f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I' + pardir + '/glib' + '\n')
+        f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I' + pardir + '/glib/android' + '\n')
+        f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I' + pardir + '/glib/glib' + '\n')
+        f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -I$(ANDROID_BUILD_TOP)/external/PRIVATE/libpciaccess/include' + '\n')
+def is_cairo_dependent(file):
+	f = open(file)
+	lines = f.readlines()
+	f.close()
+	for line in lines:
+		if(not string.find(line, 'include') > 0): continue
+		if(string.find(line, 'cairo.h') > 0): return True
+	return False
+def gen_cairo_test(f, file):
+	f.write('#-----------------------------------------------------------------\n')
+	f.write('include $(CLEAR_VARS)' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(INTEL_GPU_TOOLS)/tests/' + file + ' \\\n')
+	f.write('\t\t$(INTEL_GPU_TOOLS)/lib/' + 'igt_kms.c' + ' \\\n')
+	f.write('\t\tigt_cairo_tests_stub.c' + '\n\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -DHAVE_MMAP64 -DIGT_DATADIR="\\"\\""' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c99 -Wno-return-type' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += -Wno-implicit-function-declaration\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_CFLAGS += $(IGT_LIB_CFLAGS)\n')
+	f.write(cario_glib_includes)
+	f.write('LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libintel_gpu_tools libcairo-pixman' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libglib-2.0 libgmodule-2.0' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libpciaccess  libdrm libdrm_intel' + '\n')
+	f.write('LOCAL_MODULE := ' + os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '\n')
+	f.write('include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)' + '\n')
+	f.write('#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n')
+cairo_tests = []
+def gen_tests(pardir, f):
+	f.write('include $(CLEAR_VARS)\n')
+        f.write('\n')
+	igttestsdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pardir + '/..')) + os.sep + 'tests'
+	igt_tests = os.listdir(igttestsdir)
+	for file in igt_tests:
+		if(os.path.splitext(file)[1] != '.c'): continue
+		if(is_cairo_dependent(igttestsdir + os.sep + file)):
+			cairo_tests.append(file)
+			gen_cairo_test(f, file)
+        f.write('\n')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	"""
+	if(len(sys.argv) <= 1):
+		usage();
+		sys.exit(0);
+	"""
+	pardir, curdir = os.path.split(os.getcwd())
+	igt_cairo_tests_dir = pardir + os.sep + 'igt_cairo_tests'
+	android_cairo_dir = igt_cairo_tests_dir + os.sep + 'android-cairo'
+	if(curdir == 'scripts'):
+		if(not os.path.exists(igt_cairo_tests_dir)): os.mkdir(igt_cairo_tests_dir)
+		os.chdir(igt_cairo_tests_dir)
+		#os.system('cd ..')
+	else:
+		print 'Run the script in the directory \"scripts\"'
+		sys.exit(0)
+	if(not os.path.exists('android-cairo')):
+		download_cairo_glib()
+	if(not os.path.exists(android_cairo_dir + os.sep + 'jni/cairo/src')):
+		print 'Invalid android cairo, download cairo sources from ' + \
+			CAIRO_REPO + ' and try again'
+		sys.exit(0);
+	make_file = igt_cairo_tests_dir + os.sep + 'Android.mk'
+	print ''
+	if(1):
+	#if(not os.path.exists(make_file)):
+		print 'Generating makefile "' + make_file + '"'
+		f = open(make_file, 'w')
+		gen_make(igt_cairo_tests_dir, f)
+		f.close()
+	else:
+		print 'Nothing to do, make file already exists ...'
+	edit_glib_make()
+	stub_file = igt_cairo_tests_dir + os.sep + 'igt_cairo_tests_stub.c'
+	print 'Generating stub file "' + stub_file + '"'
+	f = open(stub_file, 'w')
+	f.write('void _pixman_implementation_create_sse2() {}' + '\n')
+	f.write('void cairo_image_surface_create_from_png()' + '\n')
+	f.write('{' + '\n')
+	f.write('\tprintf("%s not supported\\n", __FUNCTION__); exit(0);' + '\n')
+	f.write('}' + '\n')
+	f.write('void cairo_surface_write_to_png()' + '\n')
+	f.write('{' + '\n')
+	f.write('\tprintf("%s not supported\\n", __FUNCTION__); exit(0);' + '\n')
+	f.write('}' + '\n')
+	f.write('void __android_log_print() {}' + '\n')
+	f.write('void testdisplay_setup_hotplug() {}' + '\n')
+	f.write('void testdisplay_cleanup_hotplug() {}' + '\n')
+	print 'Generated stubs for following functions'
+	print 'These are not supported, not used and not required in android'
+	print '1. _pixman_implementation_create_sse2 '
+	print '2. cairo_image_surface_create_from_png'
+	print '3. cairo_surface_write_to_png '
+	print '4. __android_log_print'
+	print '5. testdisplay_setup_hotplug'
+	print '6. testdisplay_cleanup_hotplug'
+	print '\n'
+	f.close()
+	edit_igt_lib_make(pardir)
+	#Add missing header <pthread.h> in kms_flip.c to overcome compilation error
+	edit_igt_kms_flip(pardir)
+	#Create igtbuild.sh which has include paths from android source tree
+	gen_environ_file(igt_cairo_tests_dir)
+	print '\nYou can build following tests'
+	c = 1
+	for file in cairo_tests:
+		print `c` + '). ' + file + ' => ' + os.path.splitext(file)[0]
+		c += 1
+	print '\nFollow the steps below to build igt_cairo_tests\n'
+	print '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
+	print '1.Run "lunch <target platform>'
+	print '2.cd intel_gpu_tools/igt_cairo_tests'
+	print '3.source igtbuild.sh. (edit according to android source path)'
+	print '4.Build igt_cairo_tests - Run " cd glib; mm; cd -; cd ../lib; mm; cd -; mm"'
+	print '----------------------------------------------------------------------'

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