Hi Attila! Am 01.02.2012 13:16, schrieb alanwww1: > Hi Christoph ! > > For the stuttering problem it is cause by lack of shader horse power > to use HQ upsacling AND deinterlacing together. Yes, I noticed this in the meanwhile. GPU top showed me 100% usage :-) > Please try to set the upscaler from auto to "bilinear" or even > "nearest" at the worst case. It already was bilinear, but even nearest does not help > Also if you are using xbmc in a composited environment please turn off > all compositing or even try to run xbmc in a separate Xsession. No composite environment, but openbox window manager > > If that does not help, you probably will never have it working > stutter-free with Clarkdale. > Yes probably, even with mplayer no chance (68% framedrops) Thanks! Christoph