When upgrading to version 3.8.1 we ran a reconstruct on all our mailboxes.
This resulted in a few mailboxes with errors on standard out:
Wrong uniqueid! user.xxxx.yyyy (should be user.xxxx.yyyy.zzzz)
And in syslog:
SYSLOG err reconstruct[24248] uniqueid clash with user.xxxx.yyyy - changed user.xxxx.yyyy.zzzz (1a0fb7b061375d7a => 1a0fb7b061375d7a
We tried reconstruct with multiple flags:
reconstruct -I -x -M -u xxxx reconstruct -G -I -rf -u xxxx
But reconstruct doesn't seem able to fix the issue.
Is there a way to fix this issue? Because this stops us from running "relocate_by_id"
Creating a new mailbox and then copying over all mails and running reconstruct seems to resolve the issue, but doing this on terabytes of data will likely result in multiple days of downtime.