Re: cyr_expire

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While you haven't told us which OS or distribution you're running Cyrus on, this looks like Debian or Ubuntu, or another distro which follows the same practice of installing the Cyrus binaries outside of the normal path, and then uses a wrapper script, /usr/sbin/cyrus, to run those.

In your previous message you included this snippet from your cyrus.conf file:
deleteprune     cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus expire -E 4 -D 28" at=0430
Here's what that file looks like on my Ubuntu server:
$ file /usr/sbin/cyrus
/usr/sbin/cyrus: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
And this is what running it without an argument will show:
$ /usr/sbin/cyrus
ERROR: Command cannot be empty

usage: cyrus COMMAND [ARGS]

The most commonly used cyr commands are:
   reconstruct   reconstruct mailboxes
   quota         report and optionally fix quota usage
   squatter      reindex mailboxes
   mbpath        translate mailbox names to filesystem paths
   mboxlist      perform operations on the mailbox list database
   check         perform a consistency check of the cyrus mailstore
   tls_prune     prune expired sessions from the TLS sessions database
   ctl_cyrusdb   perform operations common to all Cyrus databases
   expire        expire messages and duplicate delivery database entries
   arbitron      arbitron mailboxes
   cvt_cyrusdb   convert a database file between cyrus database formats
   arbitronsort  sorts arbitron(8) output
   ipurge        delete mail from IMAP mailbox or partition based on age or size
   makedirs      Sets up the Cyrus IMAPd system directories (spools)

You can get manpages for respective command by prepending cyrus-
prefix to the command name, f.e.:

   man 8 cyrus-reconstruct
So on your system you would use "/usr/sbin/cyrus expire" wherever you see an example using "cyr_expire".  In fact the /usr/sbin/cyrus script is just going to run cyr_expire from the install directory.  On my Ubuntu system that is /usr/lib/cyrus/bin, like so:
$ ls /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/
arbitron             ctl_mboxlist          cyrdump          httpd         makedirs   ptdump       sivtest
arbitronsort         ctl_zoneinfo          cyr_expire       httptest      master     ptexpire     smmapd
backupd              cvt_cyrusdb           cyr_info         idled         mbexamine  ptloader     smtptest
calalarmd            cvt_xlist_specialuse  cyr_sequence     imapd         mbpath     quota        squatter
chk_cyrus            cyr_backup            cyr_userseen     imtest        mbtool     reconstruct  synctest
ctl_backups          cyr_buildinfo         cyr_virusscan    installsieve  nntptest   restore      timsieved
ctl_conversationsdb  cyr_dbtool            dav_reconstruct  ipurge        notifyd    sievec       tls_prune
ctl_cyrusdb          cyr_deny              deliver          lmtpd         pop3d      sieved       unexpunge
ctl_deliver          cyr_df                fud              lmtptest      pop3test   sieveshell   upgrade-db
For Debian/Ubuntu systems this is all explained in /usr/share/doc/cyrus-common/README.Debian.gz, which includes this paragraph:
The Debian packaging of Cyrus has a few quirks which are important to know

1. Relocation of many Cyrus IMAP files

   The default Cyrus install scatters files all over the place.  The
   Debian package installs only a few files in /usr/bin (cyradm).  All
   other programs are installed into /usr/lib/cyrus/bin with
   convenience tool called /usr/sbin/cyrus which can be used to call
   all cyrus utilities.  Invoke /usr/sbin/cyrus --help without any
   argument to learn more.
If you're going to administer a complex system like Cyrus IMAP, and you choose to use someone else's packaging, then you need to take some time to learn the quirks of that packaging.

If you are not using Debian/Ubuntu, then the packages you installed might be very different from mine, so take the above as only one example of how this could be done.

The purpose of /usr/sbin/cyrus is twofold.  1) It gives one a single command, with several sub-commands, to get things done with; and 2) it ensures that the proper effective UID is used when running those commands, so as not to corrupt the mailstore or databases.  This is very important, and easy to get wrong otherwise.

Armed with this information, you should be able to figure out how to expire the expunged messages.  Please check out if you have further questions about Expunge.


On 11/8/22 13:26, vladas via Info wrote:
I am newbie here, although I have installed Cyrus 3.4.3 (and then upgraded it to 3.4.4) successfully, just thousands of old letters have already piled up the trash bin yet.

Switching expunge_mode from delayed to immediate in imapd.conf did not start cleaning, and whereis cyr_expire finds /usr/local/cyrus/man/man8/cyr_expire.8.gz only — is it not installed yet? EVENTS{} are left unchanged in cyrus.conf:

  # this is required
  checkpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30

  # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
  # Sieve or NNTP
  delprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
  # Expire data older than 28 days.
  deleteprune   cmd="cyr_expire -E 4 -D 28" at=0430
  expungeprune  cmd="cyr_expire -E 4 -X 28" at=0445
  # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
  tlsprune      cmd="tls_prune" at=0400

Nic Bernstein                               nic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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