Recently, we stumbled over one very strange inconsistency in a customer Cyrus IMAP setup. Several shared mailboxes got some defective ACL entries. They look like these, if you issue a GETACL command:
A001 getacl clients.customer1234
* ACL clients.customer1234 jro lrswipcd cas lrswipcda saw lrswipcd mag lrswipcd john lrswipcd sue lrswipcd "" peter lrswipcd jane lrswipcd "" simon lrswipkxtecd
I highlighted the strange (and buggy) response in orange color — Two double quote signs. Your get the same answer using cyradm and even if you do an ctl_mboxlist -d these strange double quotes ("") will be present in the dump.
Any idea how to repair this kind of inconsistency?
J. Roschke