I have a server running 2.4.17 (from CentOS 7) with ldap pts authorisation working fine.
When a user authenticates and authorises, i see a log like:
canonified $user -> $user.
I've tried to copy this config to servers running CentOS 8 and Fedora 33, and I'm not having any luck. The versions here are 3.0.16, and the error is
ptload(): bad response from ptloader server: ldap_search(filter) faile.
I am testing with locally built 3.2.4 and I'm seeing the same error message.
I am using the same ldap cluster and schema from both the 2.4.17 and 3.x servers.
ptloader is running with -d1, and I can see the "user cyrus" from the logs.
Has something changed significantly between versions 2.4 and 3 regarding ptloader and ldap?
How can I turn up the debugging on ptloader? I've tried (-d255) but I'm not seeing any more data logged.
Is ptloader failing to connect to LDAP perhaps because of TLS improvements in recent versions of CentOS and fedora?
Any pointers would be appreciated.