Hi, I have a test machine running an updated 3.2.5 and a base imap content of a lot of 200-300GB.
It was all converted to new version through "reconstruct -V max".
I know configured xapian and added the "squatter -R" inside cyrus.conf.
Before restarting I removed all old "squat" files from the imap folders.
AFIK "squatter -R" will index only new content arriving, so I ran a full "squatter -v" manually and waited for it to end indexing.
I now have /sonicle/var/cyrus/search populated with indexing files, eg. my account:
sonicle@wwwclone:/sonicle/var/cyrus/search/domain/s/sonicle.com/g/user/gabriele.bulfon/xapian$ ls -l
total 5096029
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 13904 Jan 10 18:25 cyrus.indexed.db
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 0 Jan 10 18:25 flintlock
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 137 Jan 10 18:25 iamglass
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 3037986816 Jan 10 18:25 position.glass
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 1207418880 Jan 10 18:25 postlist.glass
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 974020608 Jan 10 18:25 termlist.glass
sonicle@wwwclone:/sonicle/var/cyrus/search/domain/s/sonicle.com/g/user/gabriele.bulfon/xapian$ ls -l
total 5096029
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 13904 Jan 10 18:25 cyrus.indexed.db
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 0 Jan 10 18:25 flintlock
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 137 Jan 10 18:25 iamglass
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 3037986816 Jan 10 18:25 position.glass
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 1207418880 Jan 10 18:25 postlist.glass
-rw------- 1 sonicle sonicle 974020608 Jan 10 18:25 termlist.glass
I then tried using our own JavaMail based web app to do an intensive search on my sent folder (28119 mails).
The ajax application just uses IMAP (no client caching) to do the search, delegated to the imap server.
The result took ages to come, so the ajax request timed out without any result.
If I do the same on the same application over our same imap content running on 2.5.11 and squatter indexes, the result comes in few seconds, in time for the ajax request to give me results.
How do I know if the new test 3.2.5 is actually using xapian indexing during my search?
How do I know what xapian actually indexed? I mean, did it index mail bodies?
Should I expect xapian to be slower than basic squatter?
Thansk for any tip,
Sonicle S.r.l. : http://www.sonicle.com
eXoplanets : https://gabrielebulfon.bandcamp.com/album/exoplanets