Yes, I’m so sorry for the noise… but you know…. It’s an un modified script in more than 8 years, not done by me… which you assume it works… because indeed, it copies mailbox content (sync_client -u aaa^aaaa@xxxxxx seems to copy mailbox content as aaa.aaaa@xxxxxx but not subs) but not “properly” the subs, sieve… Basically taking a look at some stored consoles (ssh sessions) of the migration…. I noted that were in fact those USER ___^____@____ so I did… I’m doing it by me!! Then looked at that script and saw….
Sorry for the time wasted Ellie.. same Bron,
Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Dpto. de sistemas
944 209 470 Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103 48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
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Oh awesome - thanks for letting us know :) This will save ellie spending more time on it, though it's good to have tests for it anyway.
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019, at 23:56, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
Hi mates,
Reproduced and properly located (not a Cyrus bug). We have to apologize for the generated noise. Cyrus replication works just fine.
As I explained before, we fetch from Mysql the accounts each server has (instead of using -A) for no reason… just for historical reason…
So, when we fetched the emails, as in very old (now) versions of Cyrus a conversion from . to ^ seem to be needed (the first Cyrus version was 2.0 o even older), we were doing the following in the Perl script :
while (@fila = $query->fetchrow()) {
$fila[0] =~ s/\./^/g;
$email = $fila[0]."@".$fila[1];
system("/usr/local/bin/sudo -u cyrus /usr/local/cyrus/sbin/sync_client -S xxxxxx.sarenet.es -v -u ".$email);
This explained the existence of .seen and .sub files with “^” and Sieve dirs with ‘^’ too. That didn’t in fact explain, why they had non zero size. The reason of the non zero size (of files with ^ and ending in .sub and .seen and Sieve dirs), is that as we come from Cyrus versions 2.3 (and probably 2.4 perhaps do it) used the ‘^’ in the seen and sub filenames and Sieve names. So if you do a sync_client of a user with ‘^’ , even in 3.0 it copies you that file content of .sub and .seen from the master to the slave (because it exists! because it has copied with sync_client too but from a 2.3/2.4 version), even when they have not been used in a 3.0 version. Apart the own mail account content is always copied and sync_client doesn’t complain about it (whether you use ^ or a dot for the user).
So mates, thanks a lot again for your time and I honestly think I’ll sleep better today :)
We have just discovered these, so we wanted to clarify it.
Thanks again,
Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Dpto. de sistemas
944 209 470
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
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Anyway, not being able to reproduce it… working on reproducing….
Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Dpto. de sistemas
944 209 470
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
Antes de imprimir este correo electrónico piense si es necesario hacerlo.
Perhaps mbname_userid it’s not the exact function… perhaps we could just call something like _append_extbuf() in this case but…. That’s what I was trying to explain… could that be?
Egoitz Aurrekoetxea
Dpto. de sistemas
944 209 470
Parque Tecnológico. Edificio 103
48170 Zamudio (Bizkaia)
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