Re: Cyrus 2.5.9 imapd children and tcp_keepalive & idle socket questions

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On 10/02/2016 06:57 PM, ellie timoney via Info-cyrus wrote:
Hi Andy,

Thanks very much for the detailed information.  It may take me a while
to digest this, but it looks like it will be very helpful.

A very very initial (and, thus, possibly mistaken) assessment:

* pselect timing out every 60 seconds sounds like what I would expect
while the server is in the IDLE command
* the fact that it keeps timing out tells us that, at least as far as
the server is concerned, the client is still there
* if the connection had dropped out, tcp_keepalive would mark it as EOF,
and pselect would return a number greater than zero -- not "0 (Timeout)"
-- to indicate that one of the selected descriptors had activity on it
(the EOF is a kind of activity).

A couple of questions:

* in your cyrus.conf, do you have "idled" enabled?  (It might be in the
START or DAEMON sections.)  You might have already answered this, I'll
check through your older messages in a minute
* in your syslog logs, do you get lines like "IDLE: error sending
message INIT to idled for mailbox <mailbox>: <error>. Falling back to
polling every 60 seconds."?  If so, what is the "error" section?

If you could continue monitoring the strace output for pid 16168 and
send an update if any new patterns emerge, that would be great.

Another thing that would be interesting would be if you could coordinate
with her to do a bunch of activity with the blackberry -- manually check
for new mail, manually open each folder, read some messages, change some
flags (such as toggling some messages as unread and then reading them
again), repeat for each folder, that sort of thing -- and continue
monitoring pid 16168 and see if the pattern changes at all.

If you can avoid restarting for as long as possible, so we can keep
watching 16168 specifically, that would help.

If you reach the point where it's going to be necessary to restart
cyrus, before you do so, try getting her to power cycle the blackberry,
and see what effect that has on 16168.  (But also don't do this until as
late as possible, so we can continue to look for interesting
patterns/deviations in the meantime.)



On Sat, Oct 1, 2016, at 12:00 AM, Andy Dorman via Info-cyrus wrote:
On 09/28/2016 09:59 AM, Andy Dorman wrote:
On 09/27/2016 07:08 PM, ellie timoney via Info-cyrus wrote:
I wonder if we can see what the old processes are actually doing...

Is there any chance you're able to obtain a backtrace of these?

You can use a command something like:

      gdb -p pid /path/to/imapd

where pid is the one of the imapd process ids (which is the last column
in that ls output from /run/cyrus/proc/) and where the correct path to
wherever your imapd executable actually lives (I think this might be
"/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/imapd" on Debian).  You should run this command as
the same user that your cyrus server runs as (probably "cyrus").

Once you're in gdb, look for output like "Reading symbols from
/path/to/imapd...".  If this line also contains "no debugging symbols
found", then we can't get anything useful like this, just "quit" -> "y"
to exit gdb.  But if it does find debugging symbols, great: run "bt" to
obtain a backtrace, then "quit" -> "y" to exit, and send through the
output from the session (probably best to paste the output into a text
file and then attach that to your email).

Another possibility is to trace the system calls.  You can use a command
something like this (also as the "cyrus" user):

    strace -p pid

Do not blindly email the output from this command, it may contain
sensitive/private content!

Let this run for 10 minutes or so, then press ctrl-c to stop it, and
then I guess kind of try to describe the output, and we can go from
there.  If it's very noisy, you've caught it in the middle of doing
something. Wait a little while and try again, or try a different imapd
pid: we're trying to see what the inactive ones are waiting for.



Ellie, thanks for doing the above "extended debug" version of a reply.
While not a total "nube" to debugging compiled processes, I have not
done it for a long time and never with Linux, so I am unfamiliar with
the tools.  Your words are a great help.

I installed and ran gdb on one of our "problem" servers against an
"idled" pid, 16168, and as you suspected, I found this.

Reading symbols from /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/imapd...(no debugging symbols

FYI, I confirmed this pid is indeed Idle according to this line in

imap []    donations@xxxxxxxxx!user.donations    Idle

So I have installed and started strace against idled pid 16168 and am
collecting the output to a file.

sudo -u cyrus strace -p 16168 -t -o cyrusIdled

16168 is a process that was started about two hours ago (before I saw
your email) after I restarted cyrus to clear the old processes before we
reached the max. I added -t to get a time stamp on each line in case I
need to correlate anything weird with what is going on with the
Blackberry (like perhaps it is unable to connect as the owner drives

I am tailing the log and so far I am seeing a 60-second cycle with
opening three files (donations.lock, cyrus.index, and cyrus.header) and
then ending with closing all three.

Below is the strace output of a typical cycle I am seeing.

Please note the first and last lines in this output snippet.  As you can
see by the time stamps, the first line is written at the end of the
previous 1 minute cycle, but what you can't see here is that it is
written without the "= 0 (Timeout)".  The next 1 min cycle begins by
adding the "= 0 (Timeout)" to the end of that line and finishes with the
same line again without the "= 0 (Timeout)".

So it looks like the pselect call is timing out after 60 seconds and the
cycle starts over.  I have no idea if this is normal.  I may install
strace on our dev server and see what the strace output looks like with
a normal IMAP client like Thunderbird.

09:39:08 pselect6(16, [0 15], NULL, NULL, {60, 0}, {[], 8}) = 0 (Timeout)
09:40:08 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
09:40:08 gettimeofday({1475073608, 554369}, NULL) = 0
O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 19
09:40:08 fcntl(19, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_RDLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 fcntl(12, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_RDLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 fstat(12, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=218344, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 stat("/var/lib/cyrus/mailboxes.db", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600,
st_size=218344, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 fcntl(12, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_UNLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
O_RDWR) = 20
09:40:08 fstat(20, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=1688, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 mmap(NULL, 16384, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 20, 0) = 0x7f05ab7a9000
09:40:08 fcntl(20, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_WRLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 gettimeofday({1475073608, 555550}, NULL) = 0
{st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=1688, ...}) = 0
O_RDONLY) = 21
09:40:08 fstat(21, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=207, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 mmap(NULL, 207, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 21, 0) = 0x7f05ab7a8000
09:40:08 munmap(0x7f05ab7a8000, 207)    = 0
09:40:08 fcntl(20, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_UNLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 gettimeofday({1475073608, 556060}, NULL) = 0
09:40:08 open("/var/lib/cyrus/msg/shutdown", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
09:40:08 fcntl(14, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_RDLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 fstat(14, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=336, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 stat("/var/lib/cyrus/user_deny.db", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600,
st_size=336, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 fcntl(14, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_UNLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 fcntl(20, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_RDLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 gettimeofday({1475073608, 556577}, NULL) = 0
{st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=1688, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 close(21)                      = 0
O_RDONLY) = 21
09:40:08 fstat(21, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0600, st_size=207, ...}) = 0
09:40:08 mmap(NULL, 207, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 21, 0) = 0x7f05ab7a8000
09:40:08 munmap(0x7f05ab7a8000, 207)    = 0
09:40:08 fcntl(20, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_UNLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = 0
09:40:08 gettimeofday({1475073608, 557191}, NULL) = 0
09:40:08 close(21)                      = 0
09:40:08 close(20)                      = 0
09:40:08 munmap(0x7f05ab7a9000, 16384)  = 0
09:40:08 close(19)                      = 0
09:40:08 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [INT QUIT ALRM TERM CHLD], [], 8) = 0
09:40:08 pselect6(16, [0 15], NULL, NULL, {60, 0}, {[], 8}

I have no idea if the pselect timeout is important, but I wanted to
point out that behavior since it is not apparent from just looking at
the output after the fact.

I am going to let this run all day and will scan it for anything
different from this 60-second cycle and will post results back to the
list around this time tomorrow.

Thanks again for all your help.

OK, after almost 24 hours, donations@xxxxxxxxxx had 56 Idle imap
processes.  The original pid #16168 I watched above continued to do this
60-second cycle the entire 24 hours.  I picked some of the other 56 pids
at random and watched them for a bit and they were all doing the same
60-second cycle.

It is probably obvious to others on this list, but for a comparison I
watched a pid for a different low volume account (maybe 5 emails/day)
but with a Thunderbird client.

When I started the trace the proc file showed the imap process as Idle
just like the problem one above, but the trace looked completely timeout on the pselect6 call (until the end), and no
fixed 60-second loop. And perhaps more importantly, after about two
hours the first pselect6 call got a timeout and the pid turned itself
off like this.

09:24:09 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
09:24:09 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [INT QUIT ALRM TERM CHLD], [], 8) = 0
09:24:09 pselect6(1, [0], NULL, NULL, {0, 0}, {[], 8}) = 0 (Timeout)
09:24:09 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
09:24:09 sendto(6, "<20>Sep 29 09:24:09 cyrus/imap[7"..., 75,
09:24:09 write(1,
27) = 27
09:24:09 unlink("/run/cyrus/proc/7426") = 0
09:24:09 munmap(0x7f56c3c5e000, 135168) = 0
09:24:09 munmap(0x7f56c3c7f000, 135168) = 0
09:24:09 open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)      = 16
09:24:09 shutdown(0, SHUT_RD)           = 0
09:24:09 dup2(16, 0)                    = 0
09:24:09 shutdown(1, SHUT_RD)           = 0
09:24:09 dup2(16, 1)                    = 1
09:24:09 shutdown(2, SHUT_RD)           = 0
09:24:09 dup2(16, 2)                    = 2
09:24:09 close(16)                      = 0
09:24:09 write(3, "\1\0\0\0\2\35\0\0", 8) = 8
09:24:09 rt_sigaction(SIGALRM, {0x7f56c284db80, [],
09:24:09 rt_sigaction(SIGQUIT, {0x7f56c284db80, [],
09:24:09 rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0x7f56c284db80, [],
09:24:09 rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {0x7f56c284db80, [],
09:24:09 rt_sigaction(SIGHUP, {0x7f56c284db80, [],
SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, 0x7f56c307eeb0}, NULL, 8) = 0
09:24:09 alarm(109)                     = 0
09:24:09 fcntl(15, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_WRLCK, l_whence=SEEK_SET,
l_start=0, l_len=0}) = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted if SA_RESTART is
09:25:58 --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL} ---
09:25:58 rt_sigreturn({mask=[]})        = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system
09:25:58 close(10)                      = 0
09:25:58 munmap(0x7f56c3ca8000, 40960)  = 0
09:25:58 close(11)                      = 0
09:25:58 munmap(0x7f56c3cc8000, 24576)  = 0
09:25:58 close(12)                      = 0
09:25:58 munmap(0x7f56c3ca4000, 16384)  = 0
09:25:58 close(14)                      = 0
09:25:58 munmap(0x7f56c3ca0000, 16384)  = 0
09:25:58 close(13)                      = 0
09:25:58 unlink("/var/lib/cyrus/socket/idle.7426") = 0
09:25:58 shutdown(0, SHUT_RD)           = -1 ENOTSOCK (Socket operation
on non-socket)
09:25:58 close(0)                       = 0
09:25:58 shutdown(1, SHUT_RD)           = -1 ENOTSOCK (Socket operation
on non-socket)
09:25:58 close(1)                       = 0
09:25:58 shutdown(2, SHUT_RD)           = -1 ENOTSOCK (Socket operation
on non-socket)
09:25:58 close(2)                       = 0
09:25:58 exit_group(0)                  = ?
09:25:58 +++ exited with 0 +++

Just FYI, my tcp_keepalive settings are here:

tcp_keepalive: 1
tcp_keepalive_idle: 900
tcp_keepalive_cnt: 5
tcp_keepalive_intvl: 75

So I expect at this point my options are:

- Tell this user to NOT use their BlackBerry
- plan to restart cyrus-imap every 24 hours on the 3 servers that the
Blackberry is checking until this user's Blackberry dies or Cyrus 2.5.x
is updated to deal with it (whatever "it" is).

If it will help I am still willing to set up wireshark to collect port
143 traffic from the BB to see if we can see what the BB is doing (or
not doing) to cause this.

Andy Dorman
Ironic Design, Inc.

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Ellie, thank you again for responding. To answer your questions:

* We have this in START {
# this is only necessary if idlemethod is set to "idled" in imapd.conf
idle		cmd="idled"

* I checked the cyrus syslog entries for the past 8 hours and did not see anything like that.

Here are the log entries over the past 8 hours for one of the "misbehaving" email accounts being checked by this old Blackberry. The only time we logged any errors at all was during a restart I did this morning at 0734 after the process count for these two mailboxes had climbed to over 100 in about 10 hours.

2016-10-03T00:08:24.612798-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[7380]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-7380-1475471304-1-6911887814836643318> 2016-10-03T00:24:14.391568-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[7831]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-7831-1475472254-1-5820101441045651623> 2016-10-03T00:28:59.679112-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[7831]: USAGE donations@xxxxxxxxx user: 0.012000 sys: 0.008000 2016-10-03T00:29:01.906754-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[8066]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-8066-1475472541-1-4242711481019243188> 2016-10-03T00:38:19.818027-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[9277]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-9277-1475473099-1-4936125750805326048> 2016-10-03T00:54:28.759669-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[9852]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-9852-1475474068-1-12165950019524758937> 2016-10-03T01:09:28.689482-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[10690]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-10690-1475474968-1-15742350519470797417> 2016-10-03T01:13:25.916203-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[11003]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-11003-1475475205-1-8476452722367884553> 2016-10-03T01:33:28.762142-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[11583]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-11583-1475476408-1-8653809589351466426> 2016-10-03T01:41:21.636360-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[11692]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-11692-1475476881-1-12970257928111959648> 2016-10-03T02:21:04.896098-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[11692]: USAGE donations@xxxxxxxxx user: 0.036000 sys: 0.000000 2016-10-03T02:21:06.061706-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[13400]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-13400-1475479266-1-12497454465692310397> 2016-10-03T02:34:51.827624-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[13623]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-13623-1475480091-1-5919053177859451233> 2016-10-03T02:54:28.365411-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[14236]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-14236-1475481268-1-16059406662734805679> 2016-10-03T03:09:27.911036-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[15348]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-15348-1475482167-1-6651971256242559735> 2016-10-03T03:20:18.101926-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[15557]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-15557-1475482818-1-12999714951485474830> 2016-10-03T03:35:26.076582-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[16027]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-16027-1475483726-1-17484312272884286688> 2016-10-03T03:54:28.151894-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[16678]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-16678-1475484868-1-7730339889453383253> 2016-10-03T03:59:27.520312-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[16866]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-16866-1475485167-1-11448772539541097453> 2016-10-03T04:10:54.348631-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[17156]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-17156-1475485854-1-8010797533615008746> 2016-10-03T04:24:36.884778-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[17705]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-17705-1475486676-1-12868681160384341448> 2016-10-03T04:32:41.259179-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[17862]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-17862-1475487161-1-6273312087185643950> 2016-10-03T04:47:18.375677-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[18572]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-18572-1475488038-1-15483399098754499531> 2016-10-03T05:05:40.304037-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[19546]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-19546-1475489140-1-11796786166884717875> 2016-10-03T05:17:02.062617-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[20038]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-20038-1475489822-1-16709716609084832908> 2016-10-03T05:31:17.310397-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[20349]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-20349-1475490677-1-15234240411390132694> 2016-10-03T05:48:11.928860-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[21014]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-21014-1475491691-1-11754979809267352059> 2016-10-03T05:52:29.057422-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[21213]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-21213-1475491949-1-2595590127926842652> 2016-10-03T06:09:32.527403-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[22210]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-22210-1475492972-1-205848532342279172> 2016-10-03T06:24:28.098286-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[22403]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-22403-1475493868-1-16779192082609503452> 2016-10-03T06:39:28.185876-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[22960]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-22960-1475494768-1-3435864451273408603> 2016-10-03T06:53:35.488585-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[23325]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-23325-1475495615-1-1765830263139952779> 2016-10-03T07:09:28.469822-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[24904]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-24904-1475496568-1-17727629097969100823> 2016-10-03T07:24:27.973398-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[25551]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-25551-1475497467-1-15780735317522922191>

*** initiated a restart at 0734 ***

2016-10-03T07:34:37.746933-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[3991]: IDLE: error sending message DONE to idled for mailbox!user.donations: Resource temporarily unavailable. 2016-10-03T07:34:37.746972-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[16866]: IDLE: error sending message DONE to idled for mailbox!user.donations: Resource temporarily unavailable. 2016-10-03T07:39:28.226240-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[25991]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-25991-1475498368-1-3231332521834286919> 2016-10-03T07:54:35.401648-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[27066]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-27066-1475499275-1-764446623378088852> 2016-10-03T08:00:25.354125-05:00 dorcas cyrus/imap[27103]: login: [] donations@xxxxxxxxx plaintext User logged in SESSIONID=<cyrus-27103-1475499625-1-9978294241760492136>

As for monitoring pid 16168, I am afraid that boat sailed several days ago because we have to keep the process count under pretty tight control. However, I can (and will) coordinate a time with that user this week to do what you request. I will initiate a new strace, establish a baseline similar to 16618, and then have her manipulate the account as you suggest and finish by power cycling the BB.

I do have one question about running the strace above if the account has multiple pids. For example, here an hour after a restart that account has 4 pids already (the BB with two accounts has 8 pids).

-rw------- 1 cyrus mail  96 Oct  3 07:42 25991
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail  96 Oct  3 07:54 27066
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail  96 Oct  3 08:00 27103
-rw------- 1 cyrus mail  96 Oct  3 08:20 27507

Do you have any idea of which pid to run strace on? Should I run it on the oldest or newest? Or should I run a restart, start tracing the first pid that pops up for this user and stay with that one?

Thanks for all your help.

Andy Dorman
Ironic Design, Inc.

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