Re: Cyrus 2.5.9 imapd children count grows and exceeds limit

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Am 12.09.2016 um 05:01 schrieb Andy Dorman via Info-cyrus:
Hi everyone.  We have 14 Debian servers running the current Debian
release of Cyrus imap 2.5.9.

We upgraded from 2.4.18 to 2.5.9 on Aug 28, upgraded the cyrus.conf &
imapd.conf to rename the deprecated options and switch from skiplist to
twoskip for all our dbs. Our cyrus.conf and imapd.con (minus comments)
is at the end of this email.

We now have 4 of the 14 servers where the number of imapd processes
slowly grows and usually within 12-14 hours reaches the imapd process
limit (currently set to 100).  From what we can tell watching the
process list, the old processes are never shut down after reaching their
usage limit (which is the default).

The difference between the 4 with the problem and the others have to be
the mail clients.  Each server supports a different group of mail
domains and users, so I suspect some of the users on the problem servers
are using one or more mail clients that are not well behaved, but I have
no indication of what they are doing wrong.

While we had this problem intermittently with 2.4.18 (once or twice a
month on a random server), it is much worse since the update to 2.5.9.
We now have to restart imapd on all the problem servers almost twice a day.

If it matters, we have tried both idled and polling and have not seen
any difference.

So has anyone else seen an issue like this?  Does anyone have any
suggestions on how to debug?

We have examined syslog and do not see any strange reports outside of
the normal berkeley DBERROR messages we always see due to bdb compiled
into the debian Cyrus release.

Hi Andy,

try to set

tcp_keepalive: 1

in imapd.conf.



Hochschule Konstanz - Rechenzentrum
Konrad Mauz kmauz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel: +497531206-472, Fax: -153

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