SERPRO (It's an IT services corporation of Brazilian Federal Government) has discovered what was going on about my xfer problem, they had the same situation in their environment.
We've suppressed the Server Information turning the serverinfo parameter off and this was causing the problem. We thought better to suppress it because of security reasons, turning it on (default value), cyrus put a lot of environment information into email header.
Actually the serverinformation parameter only causes problem if it turned off in backend servers (Murder Environment).
During the mailbox transfer the source server does a downgrade of index to version 6 and the destination server does an upgrade from version 6 to 12:
Jan 25 16:35:48 srcserver cyrus/imap[4608]: user.XXXXX.Templates downgrading index to version 6 for XFER
Jan 25 16:35:55 dstserver cyrus/imap[325]: Index upgrade: user.xxxxx.Templates (6 -> 12)
When the serverinfo parameter is turned on, the above information doesn't appear in log file.
I'd like to thank Gustavo from SERPRO for sharing the information, so if someone else has the same problem put the serverinfo parameter on and have the problem solved.
We'd prefer to suppress this information but mailbox transfer is more important than security reasons for now.
See you
Miguel Mucio Santos Moreira
Analista - LPIC 1 Linux Professional Institute Certified
GRE - Gerência de Redes
PRODEMGE - Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais
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Em 16/07/2015 16:21:49, Miguel Mucio Santos Moreira escreveu:
Hi everybody,
I've had a weird trouble in my cyrus murder environment.
After I move a mailbox between the backend servers, for each non empty folder which has all email as read, it put the most recent email as unread.
It seems a seen problem but I wasn't able to find out the reason.
Have anyone already had this problem? Is it a known bug?
My backend environment is:
Debian 7.0
Cyrus Version: 2.4.16-4
I've checked the changes on this link looking for this problem.
Thanks in advance
--Miguel Mucio Santos Moreira
Analista - LPIC 1 Linux Professional Institute Certified
GRE - Gerência de Redes
PRODEMGE - Companhia de Tecnologia da Informação do Estado de Minas Gerais
Aviso: Esta mensagem é destinada exclusivamente para a(s) pessoa(s) a quem é dirigida, podendo conter informação confidencial e legalmente protegida. Se você não for destinatário dela, desde já fica notificado de abster-se a divulgar, copiar, distribuir, examinar ou, de qualquer forma, utilizar a informação contida nesta mensagem, por ser ilegal. Caso você tenha recebido por engano, pedimos que responda essa mensagem informando o acontecido.
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