Re: calendar provisioning: need to create #calendars for a user

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On 05/08/2014 11:37 AM, Paul Dekkers wrote:
> Hi,
> Reading doc/install-http.html,
> "Calendar provisioning
> The CalDAV module will automatically create the required calendars for a
> user the first time that the user authenticates to the CalDAV server.
> Note that the user MUST have an existing IMAP Inbox in order for the
> calendars to be created."
> ... I'm a bit confused: it seems I need to create INBOX.#calendars
> myself, but INBOX.#calendars.Default, .Outbox and .Inbox are indeed
> created automatically.
> Is that correct? Another way to interpret this was that whenever a user
> wants to access its Calendar and the INBOX is created but
> INBOX.#calendars isn't, this is also created. For me, on Ubuntu 14.04
> with the cyrus package including the beta stuff (I like it :-)) that
> didn't work.

Hi Paul,

As long as exists (IMAP Inbox), the* tree 
will be automatically created the first time that user 'foo' 
authenticates to httpd.  If this doesn't work, I'd like to know about it 
and see any telemetry and/or syslog output.

Kenneth Murchison
Principal Systems Software Engineer
Carnegie Mellon University

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