I'm running a very small murder setup using Simon Matter's RPM packages on CentOS 6.x. Frequently, the tis_sessions.db file on the update master becomes corrupt such that one or more of the nodes can no longer establish a connection. Of course, this results in folders not reserved properly on the master and a long list of issues from there. Each time I see the behavior in the logs:
tlsv1 alert decrypt error in SSL_accept() -> fail
STARTTLS negotiation failed: imap1.xxx.xxx
Connection reset by peer, closing connection
Stopping cyrus-imapd, removing tls_sessions.db and then restarting cyrus-imapd always solves the problem. Is the tls database typically this unreliable (can't imagine why as it's the same db used for the mail, right?) and perhaps I should just not cache these connections or is there something else that could be wrong?
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