Re: mysql problem

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Rudolf Gabler wrote the following on 9/11/2013 2:46 AM:
> the system is running as expected. After approximately the 10 imaps contact suddenly the following occurs:
> Sep 11 09:43:29 xmailer imaps[8168]: DBERROR: SQL query failed: MySQL server has gone away
> Sep 11 09:43:29 xmailer imaps[8168]: DBERROR: SQL failed SELECT * FROM mailboxes_db WHERE dbkey = 'user…..
> But the local mysql server is o.k. and running. After a restart of cyrus (/etc/init.d/cyrus-imapd restart) everything is working until the next appr. 10 connection times by the user.
> If I use sqlite instead everything is stable for at least a month.
> Any hint what may occur?

I'm not familiar with using MySQL for anything more than authentication 
so I'm not sure how Cyrus makes it's db connections, but is there a 
limit on the number of allowed client connections in my.cnf - or per 
user on the MySQL account you're using for Cyrus?

When Cyrus is broke, can you login to MySQL, use the Cyrus databases, 
and run the queries that Cyrus would?

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