All, I have a CentOS 6 mail system running Cyrus version 2.3.16, which is configured to use virtual domains. Sieve is enabled, and indeed runs for some mailboxes, but not for others. I'm struggling to find a solution. Case in point. I have a script that is supposed to file incoming messages into specific sub-folders. The problem is, it doesn't do anything (script doesn't seem to execute). Messages simply arrive in the root of the inbox. I'm puzzled because I have used this very same script for years. Message sources show that the X-Sieve header is set and is reporting CMU Sieve 2.3. The server also shows sieve listening on port 4190. Scripts uploaded with sieveshell are copied and installed without error. I looked at my mail log, but it isn't telling me much. The only Cyrus related error I can find is one about "duplicate_mark". There isn't much there about Sieve besides logins. I ran sivtest and all seems good there. I'm not sure what to look for. Any ideas? Help is appreciated. -- Jason Bailey Region IT/IS Manager Gull Communications jason.bailey@xxxxxxxxx (435) 637-0732 x31 (435) 637-2716 Fax ---- Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: To Unsubscribe: