On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Andrew Morgan wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, David Lang wrote:
On Thu, 10 Jan 2013, Andrew Morgan wrote:
A corrupted seen file is the only thing that makes sense to me. If other
users can open the same folder, then the cyrus.header and cyrus.index
files must be sane.
As an experiment, you could move your seen file from lang.seen (or
whatever it's called) to lang.seen.bak. Then connect to IMAP as yourself
and try to open the folder. If it works, then it must have been a
corrupted seen file, and you can use skiplist.py to recover as much of it
as possible.
Ok, the good news is that this seems to be the problem.
unfortunantly the skiplist recovery tool is not working.
# ./skiplist.py dlang.seen.bak >dlang.seen.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./skiplist.py", line 172, in <module>
values, keys = getkeys(fp)
File "./skiplist.py", line 152, in getkeys
spointer = unpack('>I', str_p)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4
# file dlang.seen.bak
dlang.seen.bak: Cyrus skiplist DB
I tried enabling debug mode in skiplist.py and I'm not seeing anything
different. This confuses me. I'm not that familiar with python, but as I
read the code, get_header() should be writing a bunch of stuff before it
gets to the getkeys() section that failing.
Hmmm, I haven't looked at the code in skiplist.py much. I have an older
version of skiplist.py, which I have attached to this email. Honestly, I
haven't used this since I upgraded to Cyrus v2.3.something. I think there
were some bugs in skiplist on the older versions. :)
Give the attached skiplist.py a shot! Worst case, you'll have to start over
with no Seen history. :(
It dies as well. It turns out that it's sending the debug messages to stdout not
stderr. It looks like it processes 96 sections before it dies.
with debug off I just get the error, with debug on I get a bunch of stuff that
looks fairly similar, ending with:
[INORDER] Key size 16 (16)
[INORDER] Key String 7536cca646f98c5d
[INORDER] Data size 259 (260)
[INORDER] Data String 1 1351316330 4755 1351316487
[INORDER] Skip pointer 16264
[INORDER] Total Skip pointers: 1
[INORDER] Key size 16 (16)
[INORDER] Key String 782cc11f4fb291b5
[INORDER] Data size 127 (128)
[INORDER] Data String 1 1351316303 46217 1351316313
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dlang/skiplist.py", line 167, in <module>
values, keys = getkeys(fp)
File "/home/dlang/skiplist.py", line 147, in getkeys
spointer = unpack('>I', str_p)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4
with >24k messages in my inbox, I really hope I don't loose too much of my seen
data. anyone else have suggestions?
David Lang
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- Mode: Python; tab-width: 4 -*-
# Cyrus Imapd Skiplist db recovery tool
# Copyright (C) 2004 Gianluigi Tiesi <sherpya@xxxxxxxxxx>
# Copyright (C) 2004 NetFarm S.r.l. [http://www.netfarm.it]
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# ======================================================================
__version__= '0.1'
__doc__="""Cyrus skiplist db recover"""
from sys import argv,exit,stdout,stderr
from struct import unpack
from time import localtime, strftime
### User Conf
debug = 0
TIMEFMT ='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z'
PADDING = '\xff' * 4
ADD = 2
COMMIT = 255
DUMMY = 257
MAIN = -2
types = {
2: 'ADD',
4: 'DELETE',
255: 'COMMIT',
257: 'DUMMY',
-1: 'HEADER',
-2: '*'
def log(rtype, text):
global debug
if debug:
out = '[%s] %s\n' % (types[rtype], text)
def roundto4(value):
if value % 4:
return ((value / 4) + 1) * 4
return value
def get_header(fp):
#### Magic ??
sign = fp.read(16)
log(HEADER, sign[:-3])
version = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
version_minor = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(HEADER, 'Version %d,%d' % (version, version_minor))
maxlevel = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
curlevel = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(HEADER, 'Level %d/%d' % (curlevel, maxlevel))
listsize = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(HEADER, 'List size %d' % listsize)
logstart = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(HEADER, 'Offset %d' % logstart)
lastrecovery = localtime(unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0])
lastrecovery = strftime(TIMEFMT, lastrecovery)
log(HEADER, 'Last Recovery %s' % lastrecovery)
return { 'version' : [version, version_minor],
'level' : [curlevel, maxlevel],
'listsize' : listsize,
'logstart' : logstart,
'lastrecover': lastrecovery
def getkeys(fp):
values = []
keys = {}
keystring = ''
datastring = ''
while 1:
log(MAIN, '-'*78)
stype = fp.read(4)
### EOF
if len(stype) != 4:
rtype = unpack('>I', stype)[0]
if not types.has_key(rtype):
log(MAIN, 'Invalid type %d' % rtype)
log(rtype, 'Record type %s' % types[rtype])
if rtype == DELETE:
ptr = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(rtype, 'DELETE %d (0x%x)' % (ptr, ptr))
if rtype == COMMIT:
ksize = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(rtype, 'Key size %d (%d)' % (ksize, roundto4(ksize)))
if ksize:
keystring = fp.read(roundto4(ksize))[:ksize]
log(rtype, 'Key String %s' % keystring)
datasize = unpack('>I', fp.read(4))[0]
log(rtype, 'Data size %d (%d)' % (datasize, roundto4(datasize)))
if datasize:
datastring = fp.read(roundto4(datasize))[:datasize]
log(rtype, 'Data String %s' % datastring)
n = 0
while 1:
str_p = fp.read(4)
if str_p == PADDING:
spointer = unpack('>I', str_p)[0]
n = n +1
if spointer: log(rtype, 'Skip pointer %d' % spointer)
log(rtype, 'Total Skip pointers: %d' % n)
if rtype != DUMMY:
if keystring not in values:
keys[keystring] = datastring
return values, keys
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(argv) != 2:
print 'Usage: %s skiplist.file' % argv[0]
fp = open(argv[1], 'rb')
header = get_header(fp)
values, keys = getkeys(fp)
if debug: exit()
for v in values:
print '%s\t%s' % (v, keys[v])
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