Re: Problem with included global sieve script when mailbox contains a "dot"

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Sorry I haven't commented.  Yes, I think you're right - it's a bug.  I tried to fix something like it a while back and created more and worse bugs, so I reverted the change.
The way that usernames and folder details are handled in sieve is a right mess... conversions backwards and forwards between internal and external namespaces.
It's on the "to look at before 2.5" list.  I'm travelling at the moment, so I'm not spending as much time on Cyrus as I'd like :(  I'd love anyone else who has time to take a look too... see if they can untangle the conversions!
On Sun, Nov 25, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Thomas Cataldo wrote:
Can anyone comment on that ?
We might be doing something wrong while settings our ACLs, but looking with wireshark at how cyradm I think we're fine and that there's really a bug in here.
Blue Mind.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Thomas Cataldo <tcataldo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I did some more research on my problem and tracked the problem down to this test in append.c (cyrus 2.4) :
        else if (!strcmp(flag[i], "\\flagged")) {
            if (as->myrights & ACL_WRITE) {  // this test fails when mailbox is a.b@domain
                message_index.system_flags |= FLAG_FLAGGED;
My problem is probably related to unixhierarchysep settings and the way ACLs are set, but the following patch fixes it :
diff --git a/imap/append.c b/imap/append.c
index d3c2bd4..b622dd1 100644
--- a/imap/append.c
+++ b/imap/append.c
@@ -160,12 +160,25 @@ int append_setup(struct appendstate *as, const char *name,
     int r;
     struct quota q;
+    unsigned int pos;
+    size_t at_char;
+    char* fixed_acls;
     as->mailbox = NULL;
     r = mailbox_open_iwl(name, &as->mailbox);
     if (r) return r;
-    as->myrights = cyrus_acl_myrights(auth_state, as->mailbox->acl);
+    fixed_acls = strdup(as->mailbox->acl);
+    syslog(LOG_ERR, "before acls tweaks: %s\n", fixed_acls);
+    at_char = strcspn(fixed_acls, "@");
+    for (pos=0; pos < at_char; pos++) {
+      if (fixed_acls[pos] == '.') {
+       fixed_acls[pos] = '^';
+      }
+    }
+    syslog(LOG_ERR, "after acls tweaks: %s\n", fixed_acls);
+    as->myrights = cyrus_acl_myrights(auth_state, fixed_acls);
     if ((as->myrights & aclcheck) != aclcheck) {
        r = (as->myrights & ACL_LOOKUP) ?
The two logs I added give the following output :
Nov 19 20:37:00 ppday cyrus/lmtp[42207]: before acls tweaks: a.b@xxxxxxxxx#011lrswipkxtecda#011admin0#011lrswipkxtecda#011admin@xxxxxxxxx#011lrsp#011
Nov 19 20:37:00 ppday cyrus/lmtp[42207]: after acls tweaks: a^b@xxxxxxxxx#011lrswipkxtecda#011admin0#011lrswipkxtecda#011admin@xxxxxxxxx#011lrsp#011
I hope this "test" patch might help figure out what is wrong. My acls setup or a bug.
Thomas Cataldo,
Blue Mind.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Thomas Cataldo <tcataldo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Consider the following sieve setup :
root@ppday:/var/spool/sieve# cat global/buffy.vmw.sieve.script 
require ["body", "copy", "fileinto", "imapflags" ];
# filters
if allof ( address :contains "from" "admin") {
setflag "\\Flagged";
root@ppday:/var/spool/sieve# cat domain/b/buffy.vmw/a/a^b/bm-user5.sieve.script 
require ["body", "copy", "fileinto", "imapflags", "vacation", "include" ];
include :global "buffy.vmw.sieve";
root@ppday:/var/spool/sieve# cat domain/b/buffy.vmw/s/sp/bm-user6.sieve.script 
require ["body", "copy", "fileinto", "imapflags", "vacation", "include" ];
include :global "buffy.vmw.sieve";
When admin@xxxxxxxxx sends an email to a.b@xxxxxxxxx and sp@xxxxxxxxx, the following happens :
 - the mail is correctly flagged for sp
 - no flagging for a.b
Nothing interesting in my logs when the mail is delivered :
Nov 14 10:17:20 ppday cyrus/master[19560]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/lmtpd
Nov 14 10:17:20 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: executed
Nov 14 10:17:20 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: skiplist: checkpointed /var/lib/cyrus/statuscache.db (0 records, 144 bytes) in 0 seconds
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: accepted connection
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: connection from ppday.buffy.vmw [] preauth'd as postman
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: Delivered: <1c42d02ef8953cb9521bbbb9dafbaa21@xxxxxxxxx> to mailbox: buffy.vmw!user.a^b
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: USAGE a^b user: 0.004000 sys: 0.008000
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: Delivered: <1c42d02ef8953cb9521bbbb9dafbaa21@xxxxxxxxx> to mailbox: buffy.vmw!user.admin
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: USAGE admin user: 0.000000 sys: 0.004000
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: Delivered: <1c42d02ef8953cb9521bbbb9dafbaa21@xxxxxxxxx> to mailbox: buffy.vmw!user.sp
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday cyrus/lmtp[19560]: USAGE sp user: 0.000000 sys: 0.000000
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday postfix/lmtp[19551]: 5DA0A21E37: to=<a.b@xxxxxxxxx>, relay=[]:2400, delay=0.93, delays=0.07/0.03/0.03/0.79, dsn=2.1.5, status=sent (250 2.1.5 Delivery OK)
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday postfix/lmtp[19551]: 5DA0A21E37: to=<admin@xxxxxxxxx>, relay=[]:2400, delay=0.93, delays=0.07/0.03/0.03/0.79, dsn=2.1.5, status=sent (250 2.1.5 Delivery OK)
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday postfix/lmtp[19551]: 5DA0A21E37: to=<sp@xxxxxxxxx>, relay=[]:2400, delay=0.93, delays=0.07/0.03/0.03/0.79, dsn=2.1.5, status=sent (250 2.1.5 Delivery OK)
Nov 14 10:17:21 ppday postfix/qmgr[20160]: 5DA0A21E37: removed
Any know bugs with global sieve vs mailboxes with "dot" in them ?
Can I enable more verbose sieve execution logs ?
Thomas Cataldo,
Blue Mind
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