Re: I/O error moving mailbox

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On 26/06/2012 12:45, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
--On 26. Juni 2012 10:07:10 +0200 Javier Sánchez-Arévalo Díaz <javier.sanchez@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have just tried your suggestion:


// cyrus.*.NEW files removed:

pcocol01:~ # cd /buzonesdir/user/col1901/
pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user/col1901 # ls
cyrus.cache  cyrus.cache.NEW  cyrus.header  cyrus.index cyrus.index.NEW
Drafts  PosibleSPAM  Sent  Trash
pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user/col1901 # rm cyrus.*.NEW

// You are right, there was a partial "movement" in

pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user/col1901 # ls /mnt/celerra/user/col1901/
cyrus.cache  cyrus.header  cyrus.index

// If I try to move the mailbox without removing this partial files I
have no success:

pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user/col1901 # cd ..
pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user # cyradm -u cyrus -pass XXXXXXX localhost
localhost> renm user.col1901 user.col1901 part3
renamemailbox: System I/O error
localhost> exit

// But It also doesn't work if I remove those files previously.

pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user # rm -rf /mnt/celerra/user/col1901
pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user # ls /mnt/celerra/user/col1901
/bin/ls: /mnt/celerra/user/col1901: No such file or directory
pcocol01:/buzonesdir/user # cyradm -u cyrus -pass XXXXXXXX localhost
localhost> renm user.col1901 user.col1901 part3
renamemailbox: System I/O error


Any other idea?

Just an idea: Have you checked if after the first attempt the .NEW files you had previously deleted hadn't perhaps reappeared? Maybe you need to delete them again.

I did It :(

// no *NEW* files in origin partition mailbox:

pcocol01:~ # find /buzonesdir/user/col1901/ -iname '*NEW*' -print
pcocol01:~ #

// no one file in destination partition:
pcocol01:/mnt/celerra/user # ls /mnt/celerra/user/col1901
/bin/ls: /mnt/celerra/user/col1901: No such file or directory

// But still It doesn't work :(
pcocol01:~ # cyradm -u cyrus -pass XXXXXX localhost
localhost> renm user.col1901 user.col1901 part3
renamemailbox: System I/O error

Any other test or idea to try?

Thanks a lot!.


Javier Sanchez-Arevalo
Dpto. de Informatica

Hortaleza 63
28004 Madrid
T. 915 951 536

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