Thanks Bron and Simon, > (I see you're one of our customers) Yes, and it was nice to find out that you guys use and support what I have to support now :) > > > One of our scanner produces non-unique message-ids when sending mails. > > Ids are repeated in about a week. > > I'm guessing this isn't fixable in the scanner - but an alternative > might be to strip it with a filter and then have your MTA generate > a new one. I'm pretty sure that's possible with Postfix. > > Assuming you don't need the original for tracking purposes - though > you could probably even add it as X-Original-Message-Id: or something. I am using Sendmail, and yesterday I started usind Mimedefang to replace MessageID with smth like "day-month-year-" + "original MessageID". We'll see how it will behave in the future. > > > delprune cmd="cyr_expire -E 1 -a -v" at=1015 > > > > What should I do anyway to fight that ugly scanner while keeping > > duplicatesuppression on ? > > Try it without -a? I know there are some pretty confused pieces of > logic in cyr_expire back in 2.3.x. As far as I understood the man page (and you are right, it's a bit confusing) - if a mailbox is expired in 5 days, using no '-a' will result in keeping at least five days history in deliver.db for that mailbox. __ Alexei Shilin -- - Same, same, but different... ---- Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: