Re: Headache moving from Cyrus 2.1 to 2.2

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>  Hi there,
>  I am having a quite hard time moving my cyrus imapd installation away
>  fom a SuSE 11.1 box (i586) to Ubuntu server 10.04 (x86_64). I have hopes
>  that someone here might be able to help me?:


I think the subject you have choosen is a bit misleading. Because
obviously you are not upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2 but you try to downgrade
from 2.3 to 2.2 instead. I think downgrading is not really supported but
maybe you can succeed by removing some files like cyrus.index and doing a
full reconstruct. I can't tell you in detail but I know others on this
list can.

For the errors below, you have to make sure you databases are all skiplist
(no BDB) and also your new server supports skiplist for them. Them you
should be able to use them on the new server. Try the file utility on the
database files to see what their format is. And as other already posted,
you still get a BDB environment in you config dir even if not using BDB.
This BDB environment may not be the same version on the new server which
is why you should be able to remove it after shutting down cyrus. That
seems to be the content in the dir /var/lib/imap/db on your system.


>  I copied the complete cyrus config & data to the new box. Running
>  service cyrus2.2 start only produces lots of error messages in
>  /var/log/mail.err:
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4430]: DBERROR: opening
>  /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: Invalid argument
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4430]: DBERROR: opening
>  /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: cyrusdb error
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4430]: FATAL: lmtpd: unable to
>  init duplicate delivery database
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4431]: DBERROR: dbenv->open
>  '/var/lib/imap/db' failed: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment
>  version mismatch
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4431]: DBERROR: init() on
>  berkeley
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4431]: DBERROR: opening
>  /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: Invalid argument
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4431]: DBERROR: opening
>  /var/lib/imap/deliver.db: cyrusdb error
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4431]: FATAL: lmtpd: unable to
>  init duplicate delivery database
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4432]: DBERROR: dbenv->open
>  '/var/lib/imap/db' failed: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment
>  version mismatch
>  Jan 24 12:12:22 callisto cyrus/lmtpunix[4432]: DBERROR: init() on
>  berkeley
>  I tried to convert deliver.db to skiplist a while ago, not sure whether
>  that was successful in any way, because the next error hit me right
>  away, so I started over (with a new copy of the config in
>  /var/lib/imap). Can someone here instruct me what exactly to do to
>  migrate my mail to the new box? I add some config information below.
>  Thanks,
>  Raimund
>  These are the packages I have installed on the two boxes:
>  Old box:
>   # rpm -qa |grep -i cyrus
>  cyrus-sasl-digestmd5-2.1.22-182.2.1
>  perl-Cyrus-SIEVE-managesieve-2.3.11-60.21.1
>  cyrus-sasl-plain-2.1.22-182.2.1
>  perl-Cyrus-IMAP-2.3.11-60.21.1
>  cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-182.2.1
>  cyrus-sasl-crammd5-2.1.22-182.2.1
>  cyrus-imapd-2.3.11-60.21.1
>  cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.22-182.2.1
>  New box:
>  # dpkg --get-selections |grep -i cyrus
>  cyrus-admin-2.2                                 install
>  cyrus-common-2.2                                install
>  cyrus-imapd-2.2                                 install
>  libcyrus-imap-perl22                            install
>  The mailboxes are located under /var/spool/imap. I rsynced this
>  directory to the new box and changed the /etc/imapd.conf entry
>  accordingly (default on Ubuntu: /var/spool/cyrus)
>  Here's my imapd.conf:
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
>  partition-default: /var/spool/imap
>  sievedir: /var/lib/sieve
>  admins: cyrus
>  allowanonymouslogin: no
>  allowplaintext: yes
>  autocreatequota: 0
>  createonpost: yes
>  reject8bit: no
>  quotawarn: 90
>  timeout: 30
>  poptimeout: 10
>  dracinterval: 0
>  drachost: localhost
>  #sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>  sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
>  sasl_mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
>  lmtpsocket: /var/spool/postfix/socket/lmtp
>  lmtp_overquota_perm_failure: no
>  lmtp_downcase_rcpt: yes
>  #
>  # if you want TLS, you have to generate certificates and keys
>  #
>  tls_cert_file: (certfile)
>  tls_key_file: (keyfile)
>  tls_ca_file: (rootcertfile)
>  tls_ca_path: (capath)
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  My /etc/cyrus.conf is this:
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  # standard standalone server implementation
>  START {
>    # do not delete this entry!
>    recover       cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
>    # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
>    idled         cmd="idled"
>  }
>  # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/lib/imap/socket
>    # add or remove based on preferences
>    imap          cmd="imapd" listen="localhost:imap" prefork=0
>    imaps         cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=0
>  #  pop3         cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
>  #  pop3s                cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0
>    sieve         cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0
>    # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
>  #  lmtp         cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp" prefork=0
>  #  lmtpunix     cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp"
>  prefork=0
>  #  lmtpunix    cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/spool/postfix/public/lmtp"
>  prefork=1
>    lmtpunix    cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/spool/postfix/socket/lmtp"
>  prefork=1
>    # this is only necessary if using notifications
>  #  notify       cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/notify"
>  proto="udp" prefork=1
>  }
>    # this is required
>    checkpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
>    # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression
>    delprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
>    # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
>    tlsprune      cmd="tls_prune" at=0400
>    # Uncomment the next entry, if you want to automatically remove
>    # old messages of EVERY user.
>    # This example calls ipurge every 60 minutes and ipurge will delete
>    # ALL messages older then 30 days.
>    # enter 'man 8 ipurge' for more details
>    # cleanup      cmd="ipurge -d 30 -f" period=60
>  }
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Here's a file list from the source (i.e. openSuSE) box:
>  /var/lib/imap # find . -exec file '{}' \;
>  .: directory
>  ./proc: directory
>  ./proc/24144: ASCII text
>  ./proc/29679: ASCII text
>  ./proc/20164: ASCII text
>  ./proc/6404: ASCII text
>  ./proc/23917: ASCII text
>  ./proc/7102: ASCII text
>  ./proc/6575: ASCII text
>  ./proc/20558: ASCII text
>  ./proc/20253: ASCII text
>  ./proc/21067: ASCII text
>  ./deliver.db: Berkeley DB (Btree, version 9, native byte-order)
>  ./annotations.db: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./log: directory
>  ./tls_sessions.db: Berkeley DB (Btree, version 9, native byte-order)
>  ./quota: directory
>  ./quota/m: directory
>  ./quota/z: directory
>  ./quota/u: directory
>  ./quota/j: directory
>  ./quota/j/user.jihong: ASCII text
>  ./quota/k: directory
>  ./quota/l: directory
>  ./quota/x: directory
>  ./quota/s: directory
>  ./quota/v: directory
>  ./quota/t: directory
>  ./quota/e: directory
>  ./quota/y: directory
>  ./quota/a: directory
>  ./quota/f: directory
>  ./quota/i: directory
>  ./quota/g: directory
>  ./quota/w: directory
>  ./quota/r: directory
>  ./quota/r/user.raimund: ASCII text
>  ./quota/b: directory
>  ./quota/c: directory
>  ./quota/o: directory
>  ./quota/h: directory
>  ./quota/d: directory
>  ./quota/n: directory
>  ./quota/q: directory
>  ./quota/p: directory
>  ./socket: directory
>  ./socket/lmtp: socket
>  ./socket/lmtpunix-0.lock: empty
>  ./socket/pop3-0.lock: empty
>  ./socket/imaps-0.lock: empty
>  ./socket/imap-0.lock: empty
>  ./socket/idle: socket
>  ./mailboxes.db: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./mailboxes.txt: ASCII text
>  ./db.backup1: directory
>  ./db.backup1/annotations.db: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./db.backup1/log.0000000023: Berkeley DB (Log, version 12, native
>  byte-order)
>  ./db.backup1/mailboxes.db: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user: directory
>  ./user/m: directory
>  ./user/m/melanie.sub: empty
>  ./user/m/melanie.seen: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user/z: directory
>  ./user/u: directory
>  ./user/j: directory
>  ./user/j/jihong.sub: ASCII text
>  ./user/j/jihong.seen: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user/k: directory
>  ./user/l: directory
>  ./user/x: directory
>  ./user/s: directory
>  ./user/v: directory
>  ./user/t: directory
>  ./user/e: directory
>  ./user/y: directory
>  ./user/a: directory
>  ./user/f: directory
>  ./user/i: directory
>  ./user/i/ingolf.seen: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user/i/ingolf.sub: ASCII text
>  ./user/g: directory
>  ./user/w: directory
>  ./user/r: directory
>  ./user/r/raimund.sub: ASCII text
>  ./user/r/raimund.seen: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user/b: directory
>  ./user/b/bianca.seen: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user/b/bianca.sub: empty
>  ./user/c: directory
>  ./user/c/christa.seen: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./user/c/christa.sub: empty
>  ./user/o: directory
>  ./user/h: directory
>  ./user/d: directory
>  ./user/n: directory
>  ./user/q: directory
>  ./user/p: directory
>  ./deliverdb: directory
>  ./deliverdb/db: directory
>  ./msg: directory
>  ./db.backup2: directory
>  ./db.backup2/annotations.db: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./db.backup2/log.0000000023: Berkeley DB (Log, version 12, native
>  byte-order)
>  ./db.backup2/mailboxes.db: Cyrus skiplist DB
>  ./db: directory
>  ./db/__db.001: Applesoft BASIC program data
>  ./db/__db.004: X11 SNF font data, LSB first
>  ./db/skipstamp: data
>  ./db/__db.003: X11 SNF font data, LSB first
>  ./db/__db.006: X11 SNF font data, LSB first
>  ./db/log.0000000023: Berkeley DB (Log, version 12, native byte-order)
>  ./db/__db.005: X11 SNF font data, LSB first
>  ./db/__db.002: X11 SNF font data, LSB first
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