Dear Bron
Yes ant = any - see comments below as well.
Any chance the reconstruct runs could have had an impact ?
I have restored all the emails on one account and have run reconstruct
- r -f -G on that account that had about 70,000 emails rediscovered.
Will watch what happens overnight.
PS Most users POP theie emails off the server only a few use pure IMAP.
Thanks again.
Stephen Carr
Bron Gondwana wrote:
On Mon, Dec 06, 2010 at 08:22:57AM +1030, Stephen Carr wrote:
After fixing sync problems with the help of Bron this morning I
discovered that ant email older that 150 days has been expunged.
What alerted me was the size of the Full backup done one day after
the upgrade.
"ant email" - do you mean "any email"?
Here is part of the log
Dec 5 04:00:02 brooks cyr_expire[23141]: Expunged 0 out of 208877
messages from 1453 mailboxes
No messages expired.
I did an ls -lR of the users directory and this morning got 77,179
where as before it was around 230,000
I restored the maildata from the backup prior to the upgrade to another
system as a check and ran the command below result was 235,362
The command is
ls -lR /maildata/cyrus/user/ | grep " [1-9]*\." | wc -l
Dec 5 21:00:00 brooks ipurge[4410]: Expunged 2 messages from
Dec 5 21:00:00 brooks ipurge[4410]: Expunged 1 messages from
Dec 5 21:00:01 brooks ipurge[4410]: Expunged 25 messages from
Dec 6 03:00:00 brooks ipurge[18145]: Expunged 1 messages from
Dec 6 03:00:00 brooks ipurge[18145]: Expunged 5 messages from
Dec 6 04:00:00 brooks ipurge[20370]: Expunged 95 messages from
Lots of messages cleaned up by ipurge.
Some of these emails are temporary especially from Bacula where I get
150+ emails a day as I backup clients and servers.
Dec 6 04:00:02 brooks cyr_expire[20368]: Expunged 0 out of 113053
messages from 1453 mailboxes
Still no messages expired.
Notice the 208877 is now 113053 and I suspect it now more like 77000
since it is 2 days after the upgrade.
Is there a default Expunge ?
It's looking to me more like ipurge used to be broken, and now it's
expunge_mode: immediate
delete_mode: immediate
I strongly recommend removing the "expunge_mode: immediate" and either
setting it explicitly to "expunge_mode: default" or even just not
specifying it. "expunge_mode: immediate" doesn't work nicely with
replication - you wind up having to run inefficient sync all the time
because it cleaned out the expunge information too quickly.
Change ran kill -HUP of master process ID.
sync_password: 30cyrus51
Opps will change
In general I wouldn't recommend posting this bit to a public
mailing list...
# this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
# Sieve or NNTP
delprune cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
You don't have any "-X" in there, which means that delayed expunge
will be running immediately for all mailboxes. Again, -X 1 along
with the expunge_mode changes above will make your replication
experience nicer.
Updated cyrus config
trashprune1 cmd="ipurge -f -d 21 user.%.Trash" at=2100
trashprune2 cmd="ipurge -f -d 21 user.%.trash" at=2130
# Purge quarantine mailboxes older than 14 days at 3 am
purgespam cmd="ipurge -f -d 14 user.%.quarantine" at=0300
purgespam2 cmd="ipurge -f -d 2 user.%.spam" at=0330
purgebacula cmd="ipurge -f -d 28" at=0400
Yeah, it's those ipurge commands that are doing it. I suspect
there used to be bugs in ipurge with immediate expunge, and
you just didn't notice that it wasn't actually being cleaned up
because you didn't have a -X specified in you cyr_expire...
Stephen Carr
School of Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, South Australia, 5005
Tel +618-8303-4313
Fax +618-8303-4359
Email sgcarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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