Dear Bron After about 3 hours the messages stopped. I notice a massive change in db_stat -c when comparing 2.3.16 to 2.4.5 the earlier version seemed to hold locks for ages for example the number of current would be about 40+ depending on concurrent connections now it is Zero Thanks to ALL Stephen Carr Bron Gondwana wrote: On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 01:59:33PM +1030, Stephen Carr wrote:Dear All I had a problem last week upgrading 2.3.16 to 2.4.4 due to a CRC bug. I have now updated from 2.3.16 to 2.4.5 with no major problems but I am getting a massive number of records of the type below - I will have to monitor the log size. The sync_client and replica have the same time ( actually the replica gets it date off the sync_client every 2 minutes). Also I get a very few like this Dec 4 13:58:12 brooks sync_client[17782]: inefficient replication (17 > 15) user.user1 Dec 4 13:58:14 brooks sync_client[17782]: inefficient replication (12 > 10) user.user2you might get them at the start. Unless you have immediate expunge turned on, you shouldn't get too many after that.Dec 4 13:55:09 brooks sync_client[17782]: RECORD MISMATCH WITH REPLICA: more recent on replica Dec 4 13:55:09 brooks sync_client[17782]: master uid:31107 modseq:1 last_updated:1276248211 internaldate:1276248211 flags:(\Seen) Dec 4 13:55:09 brooks sync_client[17782]: replica uid:31107 modseq:1 last_updated:1287574229 internaldate:1276248211 flags:(\Seen)There you go - higher "last_updated" on the replica. This isn't really a problem - it will clean up with time as the last_updated fields get in sync between the two ends. I did debate not counting last_updated for the purpose of replication sync, but decided it's actually useful for determining which end is more recent, and you can't do that if the replica always looks newer! Bron. -- Stephen Carr Computing Officer School of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of Adelaide Tel +618-8303-4313 Fax +618-8303-4359 Email sgcarr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CRICOS Provider Number 00123M ----------------------------------------------------------- This email message is intended only for the addressee(s)and contains information that may be confidential and/or copyright. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender by reply email and immediately delete this email. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this email by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this email or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient. |
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