Outside the cyrus box: The Mimedefang milter has a built-in function (optional of course) to remove an attachment, write it to a file, and replace the attachment part with a text part giving a web link to the file. The files could be on a slower type of disk drive than you need for email storage. You could write code choosing which attachments to do this to, say by size or file extension. A mechanism to remove the files is not provided, but it's suggested that recipients would need to download the attachment to their own computer and that therefore the files could be deleted by a cron job based on age. I mention this only as another way to do it. Note that this could be implemented for outgoing mail too. We have not implemented it here so I can't say more than that it is possible. Joseph Brennan Columbia University Information Technology ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/ List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/