Thanks for that. I edited the file at the end of last week when I noticed the error messages weren't available!
In I now have:
error_notice_recipient = root@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
bounce_notice_recipient = $error_notice_recipient
2bounce_notice_recipient = $error_notice_recipient
delay_notice_recipient = $error_notice_recipient
After making the above changes, I found the previously described notification in the root mailbox:
From MAILER-DAEMON Mon Apr 19 Return-Path: <> Delivered-To: root@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Received: by server.domain (Postfix, from userid 41) id 4C13E7E222; Message-ID: <cmu-sieve-11863-1271671113-1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2 From: <outofofficeuser@domain> To: <root@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Absence notification In-Reply-To: <20100419-10541090-2044@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Auto-Submitted: auto-replied (vacation) This is an automated reply. This person is temporarily out of the office and has left the following note: I am out of the office at a training course until Wednesday 28 April. I will respond to your email on my return. If you wish to speak to someone, please call reception on 999999. I'm new to the inner workings of the mail server, so it's taking me a bit of time to trace messages through the system. Is it possible to tell anything from the above - for example, if Cyrus is using the wrong field to deliver the out of office message?
Thanks again for your help.
--- On Mon, 19/4/10, Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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