Hi, last night, after an accident, my mailserver ran out of space within half an hour. After solving the problem, I thought, that the problem was gone. What I didn't know was, that, after solving the original problem, cyrus started to create more than 6600 files unter /var/lib/cyrus/db. (log.00000xxxx) Each file with a size of 10mb. After starting cyrus again, I can see, that ctl_cyrusdb recovers the database. But this takes a _very_ long time.... :( As I found in documentation, files under /var/lib/cyrus/db can be safely deleted, when no cyrus process is running - is this right? What are this files for? What kind of information do they contain? How can It happen, that cyrus writes more than 70 GB of logs? When the server has nearly no work to do? Thanks, Andre ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html