Dear all, I have an perl script to archive imap mailboxes from the client side. The script uses Perl::LDAP modules from cpan. It is succeed to archive all my old mails to new mailboxes, such as mail_2007 and mail_2008 and so on. The question now is, i don't know other peoples' password and well even if i know the passwords, it is much more frustrated to change an account and password for every account. So, i wonder if it is possible that one mail account can access all other mail accounts just as the account owner. Then, this way, i just need to run the script once and do archive on all account in the same domain. Best wishes, Zhu Zhixin -- Real SoftService Baiyan Building Unit 406B Beisihuan Zhong Road No.238 Mobile: 150 1030 1841 ---- Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Archives/Info: