Re: Synchronisation two cyrus-imapd servers

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Hi there,
        Yes you're right. If I add a defaultpartition and  
corresponding partition-  to imapd.conf all is well,

many thanks,


Quoting steffo76@xxxxxx:

> Hi,
> you are probably missing 'defaultpartition' in imapd.conf:
> Regards,
> Stephan
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 14:04:57 +0100
>> Von: Gavin Gray <gavin.gray@xxxxxxxx>
>> An: info-cyrus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Betreff: Re: Synchronisation two cyrus-imapd servers
>> Hi there,
>>          I also have this problem.  I can't get the sync_server to run
>> under 2.3.15. Here is a snippet fom our logs:
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r syncserver[25647]: [ID 143423 local6.error]
>> DBERROR: reading /var/imap/db/skipstamp, assuming the worst: No such
>> file or directory
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r syncserver[25647]: [ID 518349 local6.debug]
>> executed
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r syncserver[25647]: [ID 301543]
>> skiplist: checkpointed /var/imap/mailboxes.db (0 records, 144 bytes)
>> in 0 seconds
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r syncserver[25647]: [ID 301543]
>> skiplist: checkpointed /var/imap/annotations.db (0 records, 144 bytes)
>> in 0 seconds
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r syncserver[25647]: [ID 921384 local6.debug]
>> accepted connection
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r syncserver[25647]: [ID 177842 local6.debug]
>> cmdloop(): startup
>> Oct  8 12:42:36 mailbe9r last message repeated 1 time
>> Oct  8 12:42:38 mailbe9r master[25640]: [ID 970914 local6.error]
>> process 25647 exited, signaled to death by 11
>> Oct  8 12:42:38 mailbe9r master[25640]: [ID 621917 local6.debug]
>> service syncserver pid 25647 in BUSY state: terminated abnormally
>> I've had a go at trying to debug the problem, but had  no success.
>> Does anyone have any ideas?
>> regards,
>> Gavin Gray
>> Quoting Alexander Demin <support@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> > Hello.
>> >
>> > I have problem with synchronisation two cyrus-imapd servers.
>> >
>> > ******* Start "Replica" host configuration *******
>> > OS: FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE i386
>> > cyrus-imapd-2.3.15 WITH_BDB=true WITH_REPLICATION=true
>> > cyrus-sasl-2.1.23 WITH_AUTHDAEMOND=true WITH_LOGIN=true WITH_PLAIN=true
>> > WITH_CRAM=true WITH_DIGEST=true
>> > cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.23
>> > All soft installed from ports.
>> >
>> > Cyrus configuration:
>> > /usr/local/etc/cyrus.conf
>> > START {
>> > 	recover		cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
>> > }
>> >
>> > 	imap		cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=0
>> > 	imaps		cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=0
>> > 	pop3		cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
>> > 	pop3s		cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0
>> > 	sieve		cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0
>> > 	lmtpunix	cmd="lmtpd" listen="/data/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0
>> > 	smmap		cmd="smmapd" listen="/data/imap/socket/smmap" prefork=1
>> > 	syncserver      cmd="sync_server" listen="csync" prefork=1
>> > }
>> >
>> > EVENTS {
>> > 	checkpoint	cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
>> > 	delprune	cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
>> > 	tlsprune	cmd="tls_prune" at=0400
>> > }
>> >
>> > /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf
>> > configdirectory: /backup/imap
>> > partition-default: /backup/spool/imap
>> > unixhierarchysep: no
>> > altnamespace: yes
>> > allowanonymouslogin: no
>> > allowplaintext: yes
>> > imapidresponse: yes
>> > admins: cyrus
>> > munge8bit: 0
>> > rfc2046_strict: 0
>> > sievedir: /backup/imap/sieve
>> > sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
>> > postmaster: postmaster
>> > annotation_db: skiplist
>> > duplicate_db: berkeley-nosync
>> > mboxlist_db: skiplist
>> > ptscache_db: berkeley
>> > seenstate_db: skiplist
>> > subscription_db: flat
>> > sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
>> > sasl_auxprop_plugin: sasldb
>> > sasl_log_level: 7
>> > sasl_mech_list: plain cram-md5 digest-md5 login
>> > lmtpsocket: /backup/imap/socket/lmtp
>> > virtdomains: userid
>> > lmtp_downcase_rcpt: 1
>> >
>> > #
>> > # EOF
>> >
>> > /etc/services
>> > csync		2005/tcp
>> >
>> > /etc/rc.conf (show only cyrus/sasl params)
>> > cyrus_imapd_enable="YES"
>> > saslauthd_enable="YES"
>> > saslauthd_flags="-a sasldb"
>> > ******* End "Replica" host configuration *******
>> >
>> > ******* Start "Master" host configuration *******
>> > OS: FreeBSD 7.2-STABLE amd64
>> > cyrus-imapd-2.3.15 WITH_BDB=true WITH_REPLICATION=true
>> > cyrus-sasl-2.1.23 WITH_AUTHDAEMOND=true WITH_LOGIN=true WITH_PLAIN=true
>> > WITH_CRAM=true WITH_DIGEST=true
>> > cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-2.1.23
>> > All soft installed from ports.
>> >
>> > Cyrus configuration:
>> > /usr/local/etc/cyrus.conf
>> > START {
>> > 	recover		cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
>> > }
>> >
>> > 	imap		cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=0
>> > 	imaps		cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=0
>> > 	pop3		cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=0
>> > 	pop3s		cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=0
>> > 	sieve		cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=0
>> > 	lmtpunix	cmd="lmtpd" listen="/data/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=0
>> > 	smmap		cmd="smmapd" listen="/data/imap/socket/smmap" prefork=1
>> > 	syncclient	cmd="sync_client -r" listen="csync" prefork=1
>> > }
>> >
>> > EVENTS {
>> > 	checkpoint	cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
>> > 	delprune	cmd="cyr_expire -E 3" at=0400
>> > 	tlsprune	cmd="tls_prune" at=0400
>> > }
>> >
>> > /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf
>> > configdirectory: /data/imap
>> > partition-default: /data/spool/imap
>> > unixhierarchysep: no
>> > altnamespace: yes
>> > allowanonymouslogin: no
>> > allowplaintext: yes
>> > imapidresponse: yes
>> > admins: cyrus cyrus@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> > munge8bit: 0
>> > rfc2046_strict: 0
>> > sievedir: /data/imap/sieve
>> > sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
>> > postmaster: postmaster
>> > annotation_db: skiplist
>> > duplicate_db: berkeley-nosync
>> > mboxlist_db: skiplist
>> > ptscache_db: berkeley
>> > seenstate_db: skiplist
>> > subscription_db: flat
>> > sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
>> > sasl_auxprop_plugin: sasldb
>> > sasl_log_level: 7
>> > sasl_mech_list: plain cram-md5 digest-md5 login
>> > tls_cert_file: /etc/ssl/imapserver.pem
>> > tls_key_file: /etc/ssl/imapserver.pem
>> > tls_ca_file: /etc/ssl/imapserver.pem
>> > tls_session_timeout: 0
>> > lmtpsocket: /data/imap/socket/lmtp
>> > virtdomains: userid
>> > lmtp_downcase_rcpt: 1
>> > sync_repeat_interval: 10
>> > sync_host:
>> > sync_authname: cyrus
>> > sync_password: ***********
>> > sync_log: 1
>> >
>> > #
>> > # EOF
>> >
>> > /etc/services
>> > csync		2005/tcp
>> >
>> > /etc/rc.conf (show only cyrus/sasl params)
>> > cyrus_imapd_enable="YES"
>> > saslauthd_enable="YES"
>> > saslauthd_flags="-a sasldb"
>> >
>> > "Master" - it's production mail server of my company. All services
>> > worked is fine.
>> > ******* End "Master" host configuration *******
>> >
>> > Step-by-step:
>> > "Replica" host
>> > 1. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/imapd start
>> > 2. imtest -a cyrus localhost - has passed successfully
>> > 3. synctest -u cyrus localhost - failed
>> > S: * OK Cyrus sync server v2.3.15
>> > failure: prot layer failure
>> > 4. ps -ax | grep sync_server
>> > 65257  ??  I      0:00,00 sync_server
>> > 65617  ??  I      0:00,00 sync_server
>> > 5. grep sync /var/log/all.log
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support syncserver[65589]: accepted connection
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support master[65616]: about to
>> > exec /usr/local/cyrus/bin/sync_server
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support kernel: pid 65589 (sync_server), uid 60: exited
>> > on signal 11
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support syncserver[65589]: cmdloop(): startup
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support syncserver[65616]: executed
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support master[65253]: service syncserver pid 65589 in
>> > BUSY state: terminated abnormally
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support syncserver[65616]: accepted connection
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support master[65617]: about to
>> > exec /usr/local/cyrus/bin/sync_server
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support kernel: pid 65616 (sync_server), uid 60: exited
>> > on signal 11
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support syncserver[65616]: cmdloop(): startup
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support syncserver[65617]: executed
>> > Sep 17 15:59:24 support master[65253]: service syncserver pid 65616 in
>> > BUSY state: terminated abnormally
>> >
>> > "Master" host
>> > 1. /usr/local/etc/rc.d/imapd restart
>> > 2. imtest -a cyrus localhost - has passed successfully
>> > 3. ps -ax | grep sync_client
>> > 63196  ??  S      0:00,01 sync_client -r
>> > 63197  ??  S      0:00,01 sync_client -r
>> > 4. grep sync /var/log/all.log
>> > Sep 17 16:24:18 mail sync_client[63196]: couldn't authenticate to
>> > backend server: generic failure
>> > Sep 17 16:24:18 mail sync_client[63197]: couldn't authenticate to
>> > backend server: generic failure
>> > Sep 17 16:25:18 mail sync_client[63196]: couldn't authenticate to
>> > backend server: generic failure
>> > Sep 17 16:25:18 mail sync_client[63197]: couldn't authenticate to
>> > backend server: generic failure
>> >
>> > Did i make something not correctly?
>> > Help me, please, to find the mistake and understand this problem.
>> >
>> > Thanks.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Demin Alexander / Network Administrator
>> > Group of companies Spectrum / tel. (+7 495) 995-8999
>> > Russia, Moscow, 103009, Strastnoy blvr. 8
>> > Web:
>> > ----
>> > Cyrus Home Page:
>> > Cyrus Wiki/FAQ:
>> > List Archives/Info:
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Gavin Gray
>> Edinburgh University Information Services
>> Rm 2013 JCMB
>> Kings Buildings
>> Edinburgh
>> EH9 3JZ
>> UK
>> tel +44 (0)131 650 5987
>> email gavin.gray@xxxxxxxx
>> --
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
>> --
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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Gavin Gray
Edinburgh University Information Services
Rm 2013 JCMB
Kings Buildings
tel +44 (0)131 650 5987
email gavin.gray@xxxxxxxx

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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