Re: Cyrus IMAPd 2.3.15 - cvt_cyrusdb changes owner of seen-file

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On Sun, 13 Sep 2009, Bron Gondwana wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 01:43:45PM +0200, Per Steinar Iversen wrote:
>> All works well so far, except for one new strangeness: We have a script,
>> run by root, that counts the number of unread mails in inboxes. To be able
>> to parse this information easily the seen-files are converted from
>> skiplist to the flat format first. This worked well for years, but now
>> there is a change, sometimes the conversion triggers a checkpoint, the log
>> is then something like this:
> You read the flat files with a tool?

Yes. I added "su cyrus" to this step in the script, that does seem to work well.

>> Sep 13 13:06:18 imap cvt_cyrusdb[21330]: skiplist: checkpointed /var/lib/imap/user/d/dxxxx.seen (8 records, 716 bytes) in 0 seconds
>> What is new now is that the seen-file is owned by root and not cyrus after
>> the checkpoint.
>> Is this a bug or just me doing something stupid?
> The change that's triggering it is is that recovery can cause a checkpoint
> now.  The cvt_cyrusdb should be running as Cyrus (you could argue it should
> drop privs automatically)
> Alternatively, there's cyr_dbtool.  You can use that to dump the .seen
> db and pipe the output to somewhere.  Run that as cyrus user as well.
> There's always a risk that the file will choose to run "recovery", and
> hence trigger the checkpoint.
> Bron.

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