This morning mail delivery via lmtp was slowing to a crawl. When I look in the logs, the only unusual thing that I see are the lines: Jul 13 15:32:13 ssmail lmtpunix[24474]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 27 lockers Jul 15 00:00:48 ssmail lmtpunix[4411]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 148 lockers Jul 15 00:10:48 ssmail lmtpunix[22170]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 618 lockers Jul 15 00:30:49 ssmail lmtpunix[3294]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 680 lockers Jul 15 08:10:58 ssmail lmtpunix[4002]: [ID 366844] DBMSG: 1642 lockers It just keeps going up and up. Eventually I restarted master and then things went back down to about 20-25 lockers and my postfix delivery queue emptied from about 2500 queued messages to 50 in about 3 minutes. Is this related, or is this just a red herring? Thanks, Derek -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Derek Chen-Becker Senior Network Engineer, Security Architect CPI Corp, Inc. 1706 Washington Ave St. Louis, MO 63103 Phone: 314-231-7711 x6455 Fax: 314-613-6724 dbecker@xxxxxxxxxxx PGP Key available from public key servers Fingerprint: E4C4 26C0 8588 E80A C29F 636D 1FBE 0FE3 2871 4AE8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Archives/Info: