Re: Problem on mail boxe

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Stephen Liu <satimis@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Emails can be received by this user on SquirrelMail.  But they can't be
> deleted.  On deleting following warning popup.
> ERROR: Could not complete request.
> Query: COPY 13 "INBOX.Trash"
> Reason Given: Permission denied
> * end *
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First of all, the error was not about marking 13 deleted, but about
copying 13 to Trash.  Since the copy failed, Squirrelmail did not
send the delete command, and you don't know whether it would have
worked.  It would be simpler to debug if you configure Squirrelmail
to just mark deleted when you tell it to delete-- no Trash.

Second, stop doing ls on the filesystem.  What you need to know about
is Cyrus mailboxes and permissions-- not what's on the unix filesystem.

Use cyradm to find out whether there is a mailbox called
user.satimiscyrus.Trash, and if not, find out whether the ACL on
user.satimiscyrus allows the user to create subfolders (the "c"

It would be weird for a user not to have permission to create
subfolders of his own folders.  That's probably not it.  But
you've been mucking around, so check.

More likely COPY failed because Trash does not exist.  Have the
user create Trash with imap and see if that fixes it.  Or use
cyradm to create user.satimiscyrus.Trash.

I assume that when Squirrelmail refers to INBOX.Trash it actually
means a mailbox called Trash under user.satimiscyrus.  If Squirrelmail
wants to use Trash and it is not there, I don't know why it does not
just create it instead of reporting an error, but I have seen other
clients that dumb.

Joseph Brennan
Lead Email Systems Engineer
Columbia University Information Technology

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