Hello all.
Yesterday we have a situation.
On device were we store config directory of Cyrus 2.3.7 free space was
Im stop the Cyrus, and free some space. Try to start it again. It does
not start. Then im look to logs im found that a we have many cyrus db
errors. After some examination and fixes im found that mailboxes.db was
empty (144 bytes). Cyrus can start but it dont know anything about
mailboxes what stored in cyrus partition.
We look at reconstruction tool and found the magic "-m" option which
must reconstruct mailboxes.db parsing cyrus partition. But...
it`s dont implemented yet... Great...
We start to gooogle.
Funny thing - google full of cyrus db error stories.
After some hours of goooogling and shell scripting this script was created.
Idea of this script is to parsing a cyrus partition and create a file in
cyrus databases text dump format.
See attachment.
It is not fully universal of course but it works. Im hope Cyrus
developers can make some sort of "reconstruct -m" program based on it.
Best regards,
Proskurin Kirill
#!/bin/sh -
# This script repais mailboxes.db by perfoming maildirs lookup at cyrus partition and create a file in
# cyrus databases text dump format.
# Then it delete corrupted mailboxes.db file and makes a new one from a text dump.
# ##################################################################
# !!! It will work only if you have one default cyrus partition. !!!
# ##################################################################
# No warranties - use at your own risc. Tested on Cyrus 2.3.7 at FreeBSD 6.1
# CYRUSER: user owns cyrus config directory. Please change it if in your system cyrus own another user.
printf "\nUsage:\nsh $0 path_to_imapd.conf\n\n"
if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ] ; then printf "\nThis script must be done as root\n\n" && usage && exit 3 ; fi
if [ -z "${1}" -o ! -r ${1} ]
printf "\tpath_to_imapd.conf is empty or file cannot be read
Please specify a full path to imapd.conf\n"
exit 3
exit 999
# Define some variables from imapd.conf.
CONFIGDIR=`grep configdirectory ${IMAPDCONF} | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ -z "${CONFIGDIR}" ] ; then printf "CONFIGDIR cannot be readen from ${IMAPDCONF}\n" && exit 3 ; fi
PARTITION=`grep partition-default ${IMAPDCONF} | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ -z "${PARTITION}" ] ; then printf "PARTITION cannot be readen from ${IMAPDCONF}\n" && exit 3 ; fi
rm -f ${TEXTDB}
# Finding all user maildirs
find ${PARTITION}/user -type d -mindepth 1 | awk -F/user/ '{print $2}' | sed "s/\//\./g" | \
while read userdir
# Striping username
username=`echo ${userdir} | awk -F. '{print $1}'`
# Printing output to a cyrus mailboxes text format
printf "user.${userdir}\t0 default\t${username}\tlrswipkxtea\t\n" >> ${TEXTDB}
# Deleting old mailboxes.db
rm -f ${CONFIGDIR}/mailboxes.db
# Importing new mailboxes.db from a TEXTDB
su ${CYRUSER} -c "${CTL_MBX} -u < ${TEXTDB}" && exit 0
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Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html