Re: Help with bulletin board functionality

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--On Tuesday, May 20, 2008 10:44 +0200 Mark Clarke 
<mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> We are experimenting with using cyrus imap bulletin boards. Our imap
> server hosts several domains and we figured out how to create bulletin
> board folders for the different domains, in cyradm, by going "cm
> documents@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx".

There are probably issues related to the domain hosting that I never
had to deal with.  But I can answer some of this.

> 1) How to post to the bulletin board?
> I have read about using a syntax like +documents@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx At
> first the smtp server was refusing to deliver to this address until we
> added it to the allowed virtual domain addresses. (We are using postfix
> for smtp). Now the message gets to cyrus but we get a 500 error about
> the mailbox not existing or not having sufficient rights to post. I have
> given myself "all"  rights to the mailbox.

The permission needed is "anyone p".  Depending on how your system
is set up, cyrus may have no way to verify who is sending mail, and
would need to see that "anyone" has the "p" permission.

This is no different than for any mailbox.  All inboxes have an
implicit "anyone p".

> 2)How do you delete an entry from the bulletin board folder?
> Since I had all rights I deleted a test mail I got into the folder by
> dragging and dropping it in evolution. On my machine the folder is
> empty. On other users who has lr rights to the mailbox the mail is still
> showing. How do I delete it from everyones view?

The same way you delete from any mailbox.  Someone with the "d"
permission can mark it deleted, and then expunge.

I cannot think of any way to duplicate what you describe.  It sounds
like evolution is showing you something different from what is on the
server, which would be pretty bad.  Maybe you could check by reading
with a different client, or from a different computer, using your own
account, or even better, learn how to type imap commands from telnet
so you can get a view without a client.

Joseph Brennan
Lead Email Systems Engineer
Columbia University Information Technology

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