Outlook getting 'unexpectedly terminated' errors

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Is there a timeout I need to tune inside cyrus so that my outlook users
do not get the 'unexpectedly terminated' errors? I get these errors
when on my workstation outlook is simply idle. I received a call from a
user today that is getting these same errors trying to create a folder
with their account on the cyrus imap store. The user tries to create a
folder, gets the 'unexpectedly terminated' error, tries to create the
folder again, gets an error saying the folder exists (was created by the
first create attempt), finally must subscribe to the newly created folder
(something used to auto subscribe, now doesn't).

The user has Microsoft Office 2007 with SP1.

I have no problem with cyrus closing idle connections. Maybe I'm closing
connections too quickly?


----------------------------- /etc/cyrus.conf
# standard standalone server implementation

  # do not delete this entry!
  recover       cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"

  # this is only necessary if using idled for IMAP IDLE
  idled         cmd="idled"

# UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put into /var/lib/imap/sockets
  # add or remove based on preferences
  imap          cmd="imapd" listen="imap" prefork=10
  imaps         cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=5
  pop3          cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3" prefork=2
  pop3s         cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s" prefork=2
  sieve         cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve" prefork=10

  # these are only necessary if receiving/exporting usenet via NNTP
#  nntp         cmd="nntpd" listen="nntp" prefork=3
#  nntps                cmd="nntpd -s" listen="nntps" prefork=1

  # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
#  lmtp         cmd="lmtpd" listen="localhost:lmtp" prefork=1
  lmtpunix      cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=10

  # this is only necessary if using notifications
#  notify       cmd="notifyd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/notify" proto="udp" prefork=1

  # this is required
  checkpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30

  # this is only necessary if using duplicate delivery suppression,
  # Sieve or NNTP
  delprune      cmd="cyr_expire -E 3 -X 1" at=0200

  # this is only necessary if caching TLS sessions
  tlsprune      cmd="tls_prune" at=0400

  # mikee 080109 - make sure messages are trimmed
  msgprune1     cmd="ipurge -f -d 2 -X user.%.backup" at=2200
  msgprune2     cmd="ipurge -f -d 5 -X user.%.spam" at=2230
  msgprune3     cmd="ipurge -f -d 4 -X user.%.Trash" at=2300
----------------------------- /etc/cyrus.conf
----------------------------- /etc/imapd.conf
admins: cyrus
allowanonymouslogin: no
allowplaintext: yes
autocreatequota: -1
autocreateinboxfolders: Sent | Drafts | | spam | backup
configdirectory: /var/lib/imap
drachost: localhost
dracinterval: 0
hashimapspool: true
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
poptimeout: 10
postmaster: postmaster
quotawarn: 90
reject8bit: no
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail
servername: servername
sieveusehomedir: 0
sievedir: /var/lib/imap/sieve
sieve_maxscripts: 5
sieve_maxscriptsize: 96
timeout: 1440
tls_ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
tls_cert_file: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd-071024.pem
tls_key_file: /etc/pki/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-imapd-071024.pem
#unixhierarchysep: yes
----------------------------- /etc/imapd.conf
20 active users
Fedora Core 5
$ rpm -qa | grep cyrus
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