On Sat, 14.07.2007 at 17:16:53 +0100, George Cooke wrote: > I just wonder as a shot in the dark how do most mail admins define global rules > for filtering messages for every/user/certain groups of users, or is it up to > the user to manage all filtering? We have users that can hardly create their own mail filters, let alone sieve filters. We therefore upload an initial sieve script into each mailbox just after creation. It consists of only one rule: moving spam into the Spam subfolder. With the help of an expect(1) script this filter was initially uploaded to all 150 accounts, or so. It is so trivial, I'll attach it right here. You call it like this: ./sieve.expect cyrus cyrPASS uid host "put foo.script foo" "activate foo" #!/usr/local/bin/expect # $Id: sieve.expect,v 1.1 2007/04/19 09:35:36 uspoerlein Exp $ set timeout 5 if {$argc<5} { send_user "usage: $argv0 auth pass user host cmd1 cmd2 ...\n" exit } set auth [lindex $argv 0] set pass [lindex $argv 1] set user [lindex $argv 2] set host [lindex $argv 3] spawn sieveshell -u $user -a $auth $host expect "password: " send "$pass\n" for {set i 4} {$i<$argc} {incr i} { set cmd [lindex $argv $i] expect "> " send "$cmd\n" } expect "> " send "quit\n" expect eof Don't run this on a shell-server though, as your cyrus admin password will be visible from ps(1) output. Cheers, Ulrich Spoerlein -- "The trouble with the dictionary is you have to know how the word is spelled before you can look it up to see how it is spelled." -- Will Cuppy ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html