Hello, I'm setting up a cyrus murder in a lab and I'm facing a problem. The architecture is quite simple : 1 frontend, 1 backend and a mupdate master We are using cyrus 2.2.13-10 on Debian etch. The Mupdate seems OK, I can LIST from everywhere. If I create a mailbox on the backend I can see it with mupdatetest on the frontend quickly. But I cannot make a single IMAP SELECT command on the frontend. This problem can be tracked with cyradm. When I try to create a mailbox. I've this strange message and there is NO trafic between frontend and backend. The same message arises when connecting with a IMAP client ---- localhost> cm user.user1.tutu createmailbox: Server(s) unavailable to complete operation Log line associated : Mar 23 00:01:31 proxy1 cyrus/proxyd[12155]: connect(default) failed: Invalid argument --- But if I try to delete a mailbox I can see trafic between front and back servers. So my (maybe first) question is : Why there is no communication when connecting to IMAP ? What does mean "connect(default) failed: Invalid argument" in the log Everything I found was related to authentication but this does not seem an issue in my setup. Thanks in advance -- Arnaud Brugnon Opensquad ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/ Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyrusimap.web.cmu.edu/twiki List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html