Aristotelis wrote:
Hi All,
I am used the autocreatepatch 2.3.1. It works fine. But when a mailbox
created my /var/log/syslog shows the following error.
Let me know why this happened and how to fix it.
Mar 14 12:28:43 cyrus lmtpunix[12454]:
IOERROR: fstating sieve script /var/spool/sieve/d/divya/defaultbc: No
such file or directory.
This is not a problem of the autocreate patch. Autocreate creates the
user's mailbox, but you haven't used the functionality that adds
automatically a default sieve script to the user. lmtp tries to see if
there is a sieve script when it tries to deliver the message, there is
none, so it prints this warning message.
If you just use the autocreate inbox functionality of autocreate
script this is normal. If you want the automatic setting up of sieve
scripts on user creation see the section :
(D) Automatic creation of a predefined default sieve script.
in the readme file of the autocreate patch.
Best regards,
Thanks for all the comments made on my query. I had solved the problem.
And It works fine.

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