Hi Joel,
What a great review. I have comments on both your major comments, and an
important comment near the bottom of your minor comments.
On 10-Apr-20 14:16, Joel Halpern via Datatracker wrote:
Reviewer: Joel Halpern
Review result: Not Ready
...> Summary:
I have two major concern about this document that I think should be
resolved before publication. The are also a number of minor items that
warrant attention.
While quite long, the draft is significantly improved from earlier versions.
It does provide significant explanation of its design choices, which is helpful
and appreciated. Sometimes this seems to end up more as marketing or promotion
instead of explanation, but this is mostly harmless.
In particular, I would like to thank the authors and editors for the addition
of section 9.3 and its careful discussion of the many issues there.
Major Issues:
Section on the use of Zone-IDs seems, from the material in A.10.1,
to be dependent upon either configuration (which ACP is supposed to avoid)
or completely unspecified magic. Having an addressing and routing scheme
standardized that is impossible to use seems at variance with appropriate
practice. It would be fine to say that provision is made for non-zero
Zone-IDs in the hope that future work can find ways to scale further using
this. But pretending it is well-defined, but not actually defining it,
seems unacceptable.
Interesting. I've always read this text (and the Appendix text) to mean
that Zone-IDs are indeed reserved for future work, but that a few of
their basic properties are defined. Are you suggesting to delete all
that, or to add a clear statement that they are currently not fully
defined and should not be implemented?
Section on loopback interface is factually wrong. It conflates
one particular form of loopback interface with the definition of loopback
interfaces. This also leads to the error in the definition section (see
minor comment below). (Loopback Interfaces were used long before RFC 4291,
and on routers were often used for external communication. This was itself
a repurposing of the original loopback interface,, which was
indeed for internal use.)
This text is probably my fault, since back in 2015 I was bugging the authors
about VRF terminology and loopback in particular. I searched for and
failed to find a generic definition of "loopback" and I also wrote this:
Routing people and Linux hackers use "loopback interface" as a term of art. I
still think you are wrong, and the restriction you want to impose is that only
*secure virtual* interfaces of autonomic nodes carry a routable address.
Attaching the addresses to a loopback interface is an implementation
and in 2017 I wrote this (sorry, but I can't provide a TL;DR version):
I'm still not 100% happy with that but 'loopback' is a term of art
in our business. According to RFC 4291, the loopback interface is
a virtual interface (typically called the "loopback
interface") to an imaginary link that goes nowhere.
so basically it is indeed where you can hang an address that does
not belong to any specific physical or virtual interface. I find it
slightly troubling that this important concept is, as far as I can
tell, not defined very well anywhere. I had to break out my copy
of Stevens's "TCP/IP Illustrated" to get some clarity.
So I don't think ACP nodes are different, actually. This is just
an undocumented common practice, as are VRFs.
The earliest reference I've found to "loopback interface" is in
RFC 1812, which simply assumes that the reader knows what it means.
There's some reasonably helpful discussion in RFC 4007, and RFC 6724
Implementations that wish to support the use of global source
addresses assigned to a loopback interface MUST behave as if the
loopback interface originates and forwards the packet.
RFC 7404 shows the extent to which hanging an address on the loopback
interface is common practice in router operations. (There's also a
brief mention of this in RFC 7010, which I had completely forgotten
despite being a co-author.)
Frankly I'm still a bit unhappy about using the term "loopback interface"
because it doesn't seem to me to be relevant to describing external
behaviour of a node, and it is very much an implementation artefact
that seems to mean slightly different things to different people.
Minor Issues:
It seems distinctly unfortunate that the definition for Data Plane in
section 2 explicitly states that this definition is different from that used
in other work, including other routing work. This seems a recipe for both
confusion and mis-communication among technologists.
In the definition of in-band management in section 2, please remove the
commentary text on putative fragility. (I actually agree it has some
fragility. The discussion does not belong here. This is a definition.)
The promotional material may be warranted, if jarring, in other parts of the
documents. Not in the definitions please.
The definition of a loopback interface in section 2 is wrong. It claims
that loopbacks transmit no external traffic. They send and receive lots
of external traffic. They merely do so by forwarding the traffic
internally to other interfaces. The traffic is external. The particular
step of the transmission, if implemented naively, is internal.
If we are going to define ACP as a virtual out of band network, I would
suggest separating the terms into two definitions. One for true out of
band networks (distinct physical links, switches, and ports), and then a
definition for virtual out of band network which describes the ACP
approximation which creates independence from configuration, but not
independence from the physical links.
Section 5, bullet 2, talks about a policy as to which peers ACP
communication should be established. It would be helpful if this gave a
reference or indication as to where such policies would come from. Given
the emphasis on zero touch, I presume they are not configured on the node?
(This issues was in my review of -13.)
Bullet 4 of section 6.1.3 on checking certificates against the CRL / OCSP
would seem to be better reworded. I believe the intended requirements i
that IF there is ACP connectivity to the CRL / OCSP source, then it should
be verified. But that absence of such connectivity should not prevent
association formation. (As, if I have read it wright, otherwise we could
deadlock the startup process.)
In the example in section 6.5 on Channel selection, in steps 7:C1 and
11:C2, Node 1 concludes that it is Bob. However, in steps 12 and 13, the
text refers to Node1 (Alice). This seems inconsistent.
Section 6.7.1 makes an assertion about the lack of need for MTI of security
mechanisms. The earlier explanation was well done and seems sound. This
shorter one seems wrong, since without MTI there is no good way to know
what ones neighbors may implement. I suggest simply removing this text and
replacing it with a backwards reference to the earlier description. (The
rest of the section is useful and clear.)
In 6.10.3, ACP Zone Addressing Sub-Scheme, the text claims that when zone
IDs of 0 are used, the addresses are identifiers, and when non-zero IDs
aere used, they are locators. Since in either case the addresses are used
for packet forwarding, and the addressing information is propagated in the
routing protocol (RPL), this seems to be a misuse of the locator /
identifier distinction. And a misuse for no purpose as the distinction is
not relevant to the document. (This odd use of "identifier continues in
section Identifier is not a synonym of "flat". Just say "flat".)
The assertion about looping packets in the later portion of is
over-stated. There are other routing protocols that avoid looping-till-ttl
without changing the data plane header. I suggest removing the gratuitous
comparison with other routing protocols. refers to the ACP addresses as node addresses. Technically, the
IPv6 architecture requires that all addresses are associated with
interfaces rather than nodes. I would prefer that this draft not
needlessly claim to violate that.
Section 7.2 (L2 DULL GRASP) seems to be doing something quite useful. I
think I see how it would work. The need for some configuration on some
switches seems inevitable and acceptable. I think there is one corner
case that should be avoided, as it seems likely to create significant
complexity for little or no benefit. It seems to me that a switch that is
capable of participating in the ACP should either participate in the ACP on
all its physical ports, or should not participate in the ACP at all. I
would not be surprised if that was the WG intent. But I could not find the
text that says this. (Apologies if it is there and I missed it.)
No. A node which is at the edge of the ACP will by definition have at
least one interface that is in the ACP, and at least one interface that
is not in the ACP. I can't see any way to avoid that.
What you say definitely applies to L2 links: they must be either inside
or outside. (But even that gets complicated if running the ACP over a VLAN.
Then the statement becomes: each VLAN must be either inside or outside.)
Hmm. There's a draft on this topic in the RFC queue, and I am quite
sure that ANIMA needs to start new work on the domain membership and
boundary issue.
Section 9 starts by saying it is informational. But the first paragraph
says that some of the content is "necessary" for correct operation. Thus,
it seems that some of the content is normative? (I am not sure, but I
think the "necessary" material relates to what is needed to be a registrar?)
The second and third paragraphs of section on RPL start with
duplicated text, and then go on to say different (complementary) things.
There is no need for the repetition.
The rank factor in of 100 megabits as the boundary seems a fairly
arbitrary choice. It may be that an arbitrary choice was needed. Could
something be said? In particular, if someone looks at this 5 years from
now, it may seem quite confusing.
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