On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 8:51 AM Marc Petit-Huguenin <petithug@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On 3/6/20 5:40 AM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> Skype, Zoom, WebEx, Keybase, Signal etc. are all fine for collaboration
> inside enterprises. But none of them is a replacement for email or the
> telephone because none of them can talk to each other. We need a federated,
> open solution. And the IETF is the place people are going to be looking to
> develop that.
Something like VIPR?
NOTHING like that.
This is an identity infrastructure. Let the cryptographers handle it, please. We have this. We have successfully developed the WebPKI and SAML. Tell us your requirements and we can deliver.
in 2013, we still didn't have the ability to use ECDH, people were still waving patents in my face. And threshold cryptography wasn't on the table either.
VIPR is trying to use the PSTN addressing scheme - Telephone Numbers! No, that is stuff we need to get away from. The identifiers I want to move to are:
1) QR codes
2) Fingerprints of signature keys
3) RFC821 format account addresses (alice@xxxxxxxxxxx)
0) User specified friendly names in their personal catalog.
Yes, I know that the Mesh is looking like 'a unified theory of cryptography'. But seriously, isn't that what we need right now?
Its entirely open source and the only thing I am asking for is recognition which costs nothing. The problem of course is that each of the incumbents has a management structure wedded to the idea of building the next Compuserve or AOL. Its kinda difficult to pay several billion dollars for a Skype or a WebEx and then federate.
But its going to be federate or die. AOL instant messenger was once the only messaging game in town.