Reviewer: Ines Robles Review result: Ready Document: draft-ietf-6lo-minimal-fragment-04 Review result: Ready Review type: iotdir - Last Call review Requested version for review: Current Review Date: 2019-11-26 Reviewer: Ines Robles Summary: I believe the draft is technically good. This document is well written. The document proposes a method to forwarding 6LoWPAN fragments in which a forwarder do not to have to reassemble each packet in its entirety before forwarding it, using the virtual Reassembly Buffer (VRB) implementation technique. VRB overcomes the limits of doing per-hop fragmentation and reassembly, such as Latency and Memory Management and Reliability. However, VRB presents limits such as Non-zero Packet Drop Probability, No Fragment Recovery and No Per-Fragment Routing. I have few questions formulated at the end. Major issues:Not Issues found Minor issues: Not Issues found Nits/editorial comments: Not Issues found Questions: 1- In Section 1 that list the components of the reassembly buffer in node B, should it contains the datagram_offset as well? 2- In Section 1, where states: "...the actual packet data from the fragments received so far, in a form that makes it possible to detect...", I think it might be nice to add an example referring in which form, I mean: " a form (e.g. ....) that makes it possible....", what do you think? 3- draft-ietf-intarea-frag-fragile-17, section 3.7 states some security vulnerabilities for IP fragmentation (The mentioned document as well defines virtual reassembly). Do you think that some of these vulnerabilities can be applied to 6LOWPAN fragments? For example, attacks based on predictable 6LOWPAN fragment identification values. Thank you for this document, Ines. -- last-call mailing list last-call@xxxxxxxx