Hi Brian, Thanks for the review. On 11/18/19 9:01 AM, Brian E Carpenter
Thanks for the report, Ted. However I do want to raise one issue. You say:...The IAB has a few chartered roles. It ... appoints the RFC series editor and oversight committee,...Actually the charter (RFC850, BCP39) does not say that. What it says is: "The IAB must approve the appointment of an organization to act as RFC Editor and the general policy followed by the RFC Editor." I'm happy to take a PR for future iterations of the report. RFC
2850 is the charter and has the text you cite. At the moment, the
mechanisms by which it is carried out is in RFC 6635, Section 2.1,
which says: The RSE is appointed by the IAB, but formally hired by the IAOC. The IAB delegates the direct oversight over the RSE to the RSOC, which it appoints. The reference to the IAOC is changed in
which is currently in the RFC Editor's queue. All of this may change as the result of the ongoing community discussions, but if you have a pithy way of summarizing all of that that we can use until it does change, as I said, I'd be happy to have it to hand. regards, Ted Hardie I think that at the moment it's important to distinguish what is formally chartered by BCP from what is current practice. Regards Brian Carpenter |