Hi John, On 17-Jul-19 11:11, John Levine wrote: .... > What does M3AAWG know that we don't? > > The conduct policy is here: https://www.m3aawg.org/conduct-policy There's little there that (in a less organized form) doesn't apply to the IETF (via the mailing list exclusion mechanisms, the anti-harassment policy, the ombudsteam, etc.) Yes, we could post a unified code of conduct and that would be a good thing. I forget why there was no follow-up to https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-odell-code-of-conduct But the real answer to your question is here IMHO: https://www.m3aawg.org/join It's a formal membership organization, with membership fees, and the threat of expulsion is real and meaningful. That's an option that the IETF doesn't really have. Regards Brian