On Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 03:32:44PM -0400, Scott O. Bradner wrote: > thanks to Ted & Alissa - these letters were (actually) helpful in clearing up some lingering questions - they > are somewhat ‘it was not us’ in tone but that appears to be the case. > > now we need to hear from the RSOC in regards to at least two outstanding questions > > 1/ why did the RSOC decide to a/ rebid the RSE contract 2 years early > & b/ decide to tell the world about it a further 2 years earlier > 2/ did the RSOC consider that the move could be seen as a termination > notice Sarah Banks wrote a post that explained some of this. It was enough that I can see how RSOC might *not* have thought that the RSE would take early bidding the way she did. Perhaps it was all a big failure to communicate rather than RSOC's failure to understand that it was essentially telling the RSE to get lost -- perhaps it was even a failure on the RSE's part rather than RSOC's. Now, I don't really know the full story, and was on vacation during this entire dust-up, so before I comment further I'll have to re-read that post by Sarah B. and any others by RSOC and IAB members. The point of _this_ post is that Sarah B.'s post seems to have gotten lost in the noise. Nico --