Hi Heather I wanted to say directly and publicly to you I hope my comments were not seen in any way as negative on your performance. I haven’t been involved in the IETF extensively enough to have any actual knowledge on this and was trying to simply talk about partners being clear in a contractual discussion and telling the partner in that relationship before publicly announcing something that will have an effect on the future operation of that relationship. The feedback from members of the community I hold respect for have commented positively about your work (the only perspective I have knowledge of) and thank you very much for your work on the RFC’s. I often pop into them to check details and they are one of the best access systems to technical documentation I have worked with and I appreciate the series and the work that goes into them. Thank you. It sounds like the details of this particular interaction (as opposed to my objective technical view) has been, at least, sub optimal and has significantly damaged what was a great relationship. I hope very big learnings are taken from this to ensure the mistakes made are not repeated. Specifically it seems that: * if you make a change knowingly will affect the delivery SLA that SLA should be officially changed or officially suspended * institutional knowledge is very important to effective operation and committees constituted to provide longer term oversight should be managed and discussed with members / overlap to ensure that knowledge is retained across the group * just telling someone what you are planning to do without a detailed why undermines trust in the relationship, especially if a move can have a significant negative interpretation or is a significant departure from the historical approach