Please ignore if I posted in the wrong mailing list as I am have trouble find one for DKIM that is active. Hi, I am trying to test my TXT records for the ability to report failures. Talking about RFC 6651 These are my records text = "v=DKIM1\; k=rsa\; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC/YIuJIABa9M7Ox5AXs6CP6z26d/i9JDrHW58YU/OzfsEr6yADboIOydCaiiVaNuwtkbx catzd6/iutxWbAiY51rRAvVdBs2YIoGO6Glzeev66ft8IfMnHgxND438KIsdOjUmJZuglFJUWGzCYDSC1eq/zqDVncFwTxWkKW/qtxQIDAQAB" text = "ra=dkim-errors\; rp=100\; rr=all" Here is a test email sig header
How often are the failure reports generated ? did not see that mentioned in the RFC’s ? Does anyone see anything obvious that I am doing wrong ? Thank you. -ANGELO FAZZINA ITS Service Manager: Spam and Virus Prevention Mass Mailing G Suite/Gmail angelo@xxxxxxxxx University of Connecticut, ITS, SSG, Server Systems 860-486-9075 |