Sandy, Thanks. See my much longer note about the context of the question and what it handling should teach us (and I appreciate your related note). But, yes, having the answer posted would be good too. I couldn't even hear Alice's identification but Alice, whomever you are, many thanks for keeping a bad situation from being even worse. john --On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 08:35 -0500 Sandra Murphy <sandy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > A brave person ("Alice") took to heart the complaints in > the meetecho chat room about questions not being relayed to > the mic and then stepped to the mic to relay John Klensin's > query to the IESG. Thanks very much to Alice. > > There was an answer given from the floor, but at a mic that > was so muted that the answer was inaudible in the audio. > > Could someone who was in the room relay that answer from > (unknown person) to this list? > > —Sandy >