On Wed, 3 Oct 2018, Robert Sparks wrote:
There have been several improvements to the mailarch tool recently. If you haven't already discovered it, please try out the new "Static Mode", particularly if you frequently use the Mhonarc archives. See, for example, <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/static/ietf/2018-09/>.
This looks great and indeed resolves my need for mhonarc. The only negative issue is that this initial page load is _very_ slow. I hope there is some caching happening on the server so that with more people using these, we won't keep seeing this 20+ seconds load time :)
To get this view by default when browsing lists, set "Static Mode On" in the Settings menu at top right of the page. This preference is stored in a cookie.
This worked as expected.
We plan to discontinue the use of Mhonarc soon, likely between IETF 103 and 104. When we make that change, all exising URLs into the Mhonarc archives will redirect to the same message in mailarch as discussed in section 2.7 of RFC6778.
Excellent, thank for you not breaking those long term links! Paul