Reviewer: Jürgen Schönwälder Review result: Ready This is an informational draft documenting a specific algorithm used to validate RPKI certificate trees. The draft is well written and appears to be technically sound. The code of the RIPE NCC implementation can be found on github (follow the reference [github] contained in the draft). The README on github says that there is a newer rpki-validator-3 and it is somewhat unclear whether the algorithm described in this I-D is also used by rpki-validator-3 or whether this I-D documents an algorithm used by a meanwhile "legacy" implementation. I understand that this I-D took almost 6 years from the initial -00 version to IETF last call. Anyway, it may help if the github READMEs will eventually refer to the RFC version of this I-D and explain to what extend the code follows the algorithm detailed in this document. So this is more a comment to the RIPE NCC maintainers of the github repository. Nits: - draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation-reconsidered-10 is now RFC 8360 - draft-ietf-sidr-delta-protocol-08 is now RFC 8182