Le 06/05/2018 à 04:32, Michael Richardson a écrit :
Ce message contient des pieces jointes potentiellement dangereuses car susceptibles de contenir des virus. Pour lutter contre l'expansion de ce type d'attaque, les documents [null] ont ete retires du message original ci-dessous. Pour les documents Office, le CEA recommande l'usage exclusif des formats plus recents exempts de macros comme DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, merci de le signaler a votre expediteur.
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Alexandre Petrescu <alexandre.petrescu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is there an ietf.org web server that could be accessed only on IPv6?
> I would like to submit an Internet Draft but I want it to be read only with
> IPv6 https (not IPv4). The topic is something very small about GTP protocol
> used in cellular networks.
Use your own web site, or I can help.
Thank you for the offer. I will come back soon with the request.
The condition is that the webserver must listen and http transfer only
on IPv6 addresses, and have no IPv4 address. Ideally, that IPv6 address
should be in a DNS record as well, but it is not mandatory at this time.
I suspect that your goal is to find out if some readers/colleagues actually
enough IPv6-fu to even just retrieve a document.
That could be a side effect, but no, my main goal is not to find out who
can connect.
My goal is to work on IPv6.
Separately I will also try to find out what is IPv6-fu.
It can be very
frustrating.... It's 2018 and many still have their heads in the v4 sand.
I can understand and I do not oppose it.